Smart Business Recycling Program – Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Environmental Programs Division

The County of Los Angeles Public Works Department (County) is required to meet the requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 and Assembly Bill 341 (AB341), which establishes mandatory commercial recycling (MCR) and a State goal to source reduce, recycle, or compost no less than 75 percent of the solid waste generated by 2020.

The business sector contributes significantly to the amount of waste generated in Los Angeles County, so to help businesses reduce waste and, thereby, preserve landfill capacities, the County established the Smart Business Recycling Program (Program) in 1994. The goal of this Program is to help businesses and institutions comply with State recycling requirements and achieve recycling and diversion.  The contract includes a wide variety of types of work, ranging in complexity from site visits and reporting to graphic design and procurement of promotional items.  The project began in March 2015, and to date (Jan. 2016), SCS has undertaken the following activities:

  • Completed 280 business and school site visits, evaluating existing and potential recycling and organics management practices, and preparing recommendations for program implementation
  • Completed waste characterization studies at two businesses, including a regional golf course and County Department of Health Services
  • Prepared outreach materials, including program logo, promotional flyer, and letters.
  • Identified recycling and organics collection containers and bins for distribution to businesses
  • Identified opportunities for presentations to business groups on the program
  • Prepared the County’s Organics Management Plan under AB 1826