Staff Search Results for "S"

Chad Salmons has three decades of experience in landfill gas (LFG) control and recovery construction projects. His LFG construction experience includes drill rig operation, construction of the blower flare stations, gas collection and control system (GCCS) construction, and non-routine repair, and emergency call-out response. He is responsible for many phases of project construction, including development, management, and oversight of field construction, and for preparation and installation of extraction wells, monitoring wells, condensate collection/containment facilities, leachate control/disposal facilities, and blower/flare stations. He has installed many types of pipe material, some of which are HDPE, PVC, CPVC, copper, gasket piping, black iron and stainless steel.

    • Chad Salmons has three decades of experience in landfill gas (LFG) control and recovery construction projects. His LFG construction experience includes drill rig operation, construction of the blower flare stations, gas collection and control system (GCCS) construction, and non-routine repair, and emergency call-out response.
      He is responsible for many phases of project construction, including development, management, and oversight of field construction, and for preparation and installation of extraction wells, monitoring wells, condensate collection/containment facilities, leachate control/disposal facilities, and blower/flare stations. He has installed many types of pipe material, some of which are HDPE, PVC, CPVC, copper, gasket piping, black iron and stainless steel.
      He also has experience operating heavy equipment, including loaders, excavators, backhoes, man lifts, cranes, water trucks, and dump trucks.
      Additional experience includes surveying, establishment of grades, preparation of as-built documentation, and compilation of field notes.

Joe Santos is a Project Manager with over 6 years of industry experience. His landfill gas (LFG) experience includes flare operations, flare maintenance, LFG collection and control system (GCCS) operation and maintenance, non-routine repair, and emergency call-out response. He has participated in many phases of project operations, including well field monitoring, environmental compliance, data analytics, LFG-to-energy (LFGE) coordination, blower station replacement/construction, flare source testing, well installations, LFG system upgrades, and liquids management.

    • Joe Santos is a Project Manager with over 6 years of industry experience. His landfill gas (LFG) experience includes flare operations, flare maintenance, LFG collection and control system (GCCS) operation and maintenance, non-routine repair, and emergency call-out response. He has participated in many phases of project operations, including well field monitoring, environmental compliance, data analytics, LFG-to-energy (LFGE) coordination, blower station replacement/construction, flare source testing, well installations, LFG system upgrades, and liquids management.
      Mr. Santos manages operations, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) of LFG and LFGE systems at multiple active and post-closure landfills in the San Diego area and other regions in Southern California. These services include on-site inspections, operation and maintenance of blower equipment; monitoring and adjustment of gas wells to maintain optimum extraction and compliance; and monitoring of perimeter probes to check for gas migration in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations. He routinely analyzes and evaluates data to confirm quality assurance standards, evaluates recovery process plant and collection system readings, and performs troubleshooting of plant and system processes and equipment.

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Sandeep Saraf, PE, is experienced in the design, permitting, and construction of landfills, waste processing facilities, leachate collection and management systems, landfill gas and collection systems, Title V NSPS reporting, and GHG reporting. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in Texas and Florida.

    • Sandeep Saraf, PE, is experienced in the design, permitting, and construction of landfills, waste processing facilities, leachate collection and management systems, landfill gas and collection systems, Title V NSPS reporting, and GHG reporting. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in Texas and Florida.
      Additional experience includes preparing construction drawings for bottom liner systems of multiple MSW landfill cells, landfill closure projects, development of a 3,000-acre area green site, solid waste master plans, financial assurance estimates, operations and maintenance of active LFG and flaring system, landfill airspace calculations, preparing stormwater pollution prevention plans and national pollutant discharge elimination system permit application.

Bernadette Sarmiento, PE, is a licensed Professional Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the environmental and solid waste industry. She has an in-depth knowledge of landfill design and permitting, and environmental regulations, including solid waste, air, stormwater, and wastewater. Experience includes landfill engineering, construction, operation, permitting and compliance. She has extensive experience in construction/installation of clay and synthetic liner and final cover systems, gas collection systems, leachate management systems, surface water management systems, composting pads, groundwater monitoring wells and gas monitoring probes. She has authored, reviewed and/or submitted permit applications to renew or modify landfill operating permits, stormwater/NPDES permits, air/CAAPP permits, and wastewater discharge permits. She also has experience in landfill closure and certification for the 30-year post closure care.

    • Bernadette Sarmiento, PE, is a licensed Professional Engineer with over 20 years of experience in the environmental and solid waste industry. She has an in-depth knowledge of landfill design and permitting, and environmental regulations, including solid waste, air, stormwater, and wastewater. Experience includes landfill engineering, construction, operation, permitting and compliance. She has extensive experience in construction/installation of clay and synthetic liner and final cover systems, gas collection systems, leachate management systems, surface water management systems, composting pads, groundwater monitoring wells and gas monitoring probes. She has authored, reviewed and/or submitted permit applications to renew or modify landfill operating permits, stormwater/NPDES permits, air/CAAPP permits, and wastewater discharge permits. She also has experience in landfill closure and certification for the 30-year post closure care.
      Ms. Sarmiento has also provided technical support to compost facilities, transfer stations and hauling operations. She has developed site-specific plans like Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and associated inspection logs as required by permits and regulations, and established/managed compliance tracking databases for new landfills, landfill expansions, compost facilities, transfer stations and hauling operations.

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Ali Sarwari has engineering experience on large-scale professional projects in the United States and Afghanistan. He specializes in general engineering design; civil engineering; solid waste facility design and engineering analysis; site grading, erosion control, and stormwater design; landfill gas (LFG) system design; construction quality assurance (CQA); and preparation of construction plans, specifications, and construction documents.

    • Ali Sarwari has engineering experience on large-scale professional projects in the United States and Afghanistan. He specializes in general engineering design; civil engineering; solid waste facility design and engineering analysis; site grading, erosion control, and stormwater design; landfill gas (LFG) system design; construction quality assurance (CQA); and preparation of construction plans, specifications, and construction documents.
      He has designed and provided oversight for the construction of building structures and facilities, such as roads, bridges, channels, and water and sewage systems, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) in Afghanistan.

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Gary Saylor, PE, LS, has been active in the field of environmental and construction engineering since 1978. His experience includes public sector, private sector, and consulting, resulting in a broad understanding of all facets of engineering issues.

    • Gary Saylor, PE, LS, has been active in the field of environmental and construction engineering since 1978. His experience includes public sector, private sector, and consulting, resulting in a broad understanding of all facets of engineering issues. Since 1984 Mr. Saylor has been involved in the landfill engineering field.

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Paul Schafer
Paul Schafer
Vice President/Project Director/National Expert on Ambient Air Monitoring and on Odor Management
Sacramento, CA
National Expert: Ambient Air Monitoring and Odor Management
O. (619) 823-5333

Paul Schafer, CIEC, VETC, is a Vice President, Project Director and our National Expert on Ambient Air Monitoring and on Odor Management. During his technical career at SCS and SCS Tracer Environmental, Mr. Schafer has served in key roles on several nationally significant monitoring efforts. He has in-depth experience interfacing with regulatory agencies regarding the performance of monitoring systems, source emission tests, and continuous process monitors which are operated for our clientele.

    • Paul Schafer, CIEC, VETC, is a Vice President, Project Director, and our National Expert on Ambient Air Monitoring and on Odor Management. During his technical career at SCS and SCS Tracer Environmental, Mr. Schafer has served in key roles on several nationally significant monitoring efforts. He has in-depth experience interfacing with regulatory agencies regarding the performance of monitoring systems, source emission tests, and continuous process monitors which are operated for our clientele. He has had direct working experience with the San Luis Obispo County APCD, San Joaquin Valley APCD, Imperial County APCD, South Coast AQMD, Santa Barbara APCD, San Diego County APCD, California Air Resources Board, EPA Region IX, and the General Services Administration regarding monitoring programs and air quality impact assessments. He is also experienced in liquids management.
      Mr. Schafer offers decisive management skills, which contribute to the success of monitoring programs under his purview. Cost control management and defensible technical performance are primary goals integral to all of the long-term monitoring programs that he manages. Mr. Schafer has developed close business relationships with manufacturers and vendors in the ambient air quality monitoring field.

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Melissa Schick is responsible for helping grow SCS’s Environmental Services team and our Brownfields redevelopment practice in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic markets. She is also one of our National Experts on Government Grants. Her expertise includes proposal development, helping public and private-sector clients navigate state and federal brownfields redevelopment and voluntary cleanup programs; overseeing the implementation of USEPA assessment and cleanup grants; executing and supporting programmatic management of brownfields grants, leading community engagement events; and delivering brownfields redevelopment project management, strategic vision, and leadership. She has a Master of Public Administration degree.

    • Melissa Schick is responsible for helping grow SCS’s Environmental Services team and our Brownfields redevelopment practice in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic markets. She is also one of our National Experts on Government Grants. Her expertise includes proposal development, helping public and private-sector clients navigate state and federal brownfields redevelopment and voluntary cleanup programs; overseeing the implementation of USEPA assessment and cleanup grants; executing and supporting programmatic management of brownfields grants, leading community engagement events; and delivering brownfields redevelopment project management, strategic vision, and leadership.
      Her experience includes preparing successful brownfields grant applications; implementing and completing brownfields redevelopment projects; coordinating with private developers, regulatory agencies, community leaders and other partners; completing reporting requirements; developing proposals and work orders; project management, including manpower resource allocation, scheduling, budgets, invoicing, and progress reports; and communicating with stakeholders, regulators, and clients. Additional responsibilities include managing site information in the ACRES database, submitting quarterly and annual reports, and preparing closeout documents for submittal to USEPA.

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Troy Schick, PE, is a Project Manager based in our Miami, Florida, office. He has been an environmental professional since 2010 and is experienced in soil reuse characterization, Phase 1 and Phase II ESAs, site assessment reports, due diligence, remedial action plans, groundwater treatment systems, contaminated site redevelopment, and drainage permitting. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in Florida. He is also a Florida Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector.

    • Troy Schick, PE, is a Project Manager based in our Miami, Florida, office. He has been an environmental professional since 2010 and is experienced in soil reuse characterization, Phase 1 and Phase II ESAs, site assessment reports, due diligence, remedial action plans, groundwater treatment systems, contaminated site redevelopment, and drainage permitting. He is a Professional Engineer licensed in Florida. He is also a Florida Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector.

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Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt
Project Director/National Expert on Environmental Insurance Claims and Underwriting
Suffern, NY
National Expert: Environmental Insurance Claims and Underwriting
O. (845) 918-5220

Mike Schmidt is a Project Director in our Suffern, NY, office and our National Expert in Environmental Insurance Claims and Underwriting. He is an accomplished leader with nearly 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting and environmental insurance industries, with specific experience focusing on the evaluation of environmental risks and liabilities associated with insurance claims and underwriting, site investigation and remediation, due diligence, project management, and marketing. Mr. Schmidt is responsible for the growth and management of our environmental services practice in the greater New York area.

    • Mike Schmidt is a Project Director in our Suffern, NY, office and our National Expert in Environmental Insurance Claims and Underwriting. He is an accomplished leader with nearly 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting and environmental insurance industries, with specific experience focusing on the evaluation of environmental risks and liabilities associated with insurance claims and underwriting, site investigation and remediation, due diligence, project management, and marketing. Mr. Schmidt is responsible for the growth and management of our environmental services practice in the greater New York area.
      Mr. Schmidt has planned, managed and executed dozens of investigations involving multiple media (i.e., soil, groundwater, surface water) and contaminants at a wide-variety of sites located throughout the eastern seaboard of the US. These sites have ranged in size and complexity from residential properties, to commercial/industrial facilities, to major military bases.
      Specific projects involved environmental activities associated with underground storage tank (UST) and above-ground storage tank (AST) releases, dry cleaners, ISRA closures, historic fill, linear project corridors, a variety of commercial and industrial sites, and Brownfields sites, including the management and oversight of the remediation of the most heavily arsenic-contaminated site in New Jersey. Remedial actions have included soil excavation, pump and treat, air sparging and soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE), and innovative soil stabilization methodology.
      Mr. Schmidt has significant due diligence experience conducting and managing Phase I and Phase II ESAs and other environmental assessments of residential, commercial and industrial properties throughout the NY/NJ metropolitan area for real estate companies, lending institutions, developers, and private individuals. Mr. Schmidt meets the definition of an Environmental Professional (EP) under the EPA All Appropriate Inquiries regulations (40 CFR 312).

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Tina Schmiesing, REPA, has a diverse background in geology two decades of professional experience. Prior to joining SCS, she performed geotechnical investigations and regulatory evaluations of geological and hydrogeological aspects of solid waste landfills. Subsequently, over her two decades at SCS, she has been involved in numerous projects involving environmental investigation of hazardous chemicals in soils and groundwater at hazardous and solid waste sites. She is a Registered Environmental Property Assessor (REPA).

    • Ms. Schmiesing has a diverse background in geology and three decades of professional experience. Prior to joining SCS, she performed geotechnical investigations and regulatory evaluations of geological and hydrogeological aspects of solid waste landfills. Subsequently, over her two decades at SCS, she has been involved in numerous projects involving environmental investigation of hazardous chemicals in soils and groundwater at hazardous and solid waste sites.
      Ms. Schmiesing has participated in a certified health and safety program in compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.120. She is knowledgeable in incident response operations, team functions, personnel safety, and field equipment. She is able to recognize and evaluate potential chemical and physical hazards and associated risks in field operations; discuss and use personnel protective equipment such as respiratory protection and protective clothing; use and interpret direct-reading instruments; and examine and establish Standard Operating Safety Guidelines to ensure safe and effective response operations.

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Scott Schoffner is a Regional Manager with our OM&M Division. He is experienced in landfill gas (LFG) system operation, monitoring, and maintenance (OM&M), including LFG well field monitoring and adjustment, extraction system troubleshooting and repair, and blower/flare station operation and maintenance (O&M). He performs both routine data analysis and evaluation and non-routine system repair and is experienced in groundwater monitoring, LFG sampling, and landfill surface emissions monitoring. He has also performed LFG field and classroom training for several clients.

    • Scott Schoffner is a Regional Manager with our OM&M Division. He is experienced in landfill gas (LFG) system operation, monitoring, and maintenance (OM&M), including LFG well field monitoring and adjustment, extraction system troubleshooting and repair, and blower/flare station operation and maintenance (O&M). He performs both routine data analysis and evaluation and non-routine system repair and is experienced in groundwater monitoring, LFG sampling, and landfill surface emissions monitoring. He has also performed LFG field and classroom training for several clients.

Dr. Shah is our National Expert on Life Cycle Analysis. He is experienced in life cycle analysis modeling and environmental and solid waste engineering, and provides engineering support for design, permitting, construction management, and reporting for landfill projects in the northwest US, including GCCS system design, construction, and regulatory compliance. He is responsible for regulatory compliance of several sites subject to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) throughout the state of Washington and Alaska. Projects include life cycle analysis, wastewater treatment, sewer water sampling, air dispersion modeling, air pollution control methods, solid waste management contract specifications, landfill facility design for scientific disposal of waste.

    • Dr. Shah is our National Expert on Life Cycle Analysis. He is experienced in life cycle analysis modeling and environmental and solid waste engineering, and provides engineering support for design, permitting, construction management, and reporting for landfill projects in the northwest US, including GCCS system design, construction, and regulatory compliance. He is responsible for regulatory compliance of several sites subject to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) throughout the state of Washington and Alaska. Projects include life cycle analysis, wastewater treatment, sewer water sampling, air dispersion modeling, air pollution control methods, solid waste management contract specifications, landfill facility design for scientific disposal of waste.
      Dr. Shah is experienced in life cycle assessment, environmental systems modeling, optimization, and solid waste management systems he has developed an interest in a comparative statistical analysis between developed and developing countries Solid waste decision-support and decision-making tools with optimization framework. He is skilled at statistical interpretation of large and complicated data sets, project design and implementation, and economic forecasting and analysis. Highly skilled at preparing and delivering presentations to a variety of audiences: executive, technical, and regulatory.
      Dr. Shah is responsible for overseeing SCS’s northwest region solid waste management practice, which includes landfill engineering, landfill gas management, solid waste studies, landfill environmental systems, operation and maintenance, and construction. Dr. Shah works closely with SCS’s regional clients. He has completed solid waste, environmental assessment, facility design, compliance audit, and other environmental study projects for municipal and private clients.

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Paritah Shah is responsible for environmental engineering design projects pertaining to landfill, landfill gas, and liquids management. She assists with landfill/landfill gas design, landfill gas monitoring, permit review and compliance reporting, stormwater design and management, leachate treatment and management, and onsite O&M support.

    • Parita Shah is responsible for environmental engineering design projects pertaining to landfill, landfill gas, and liquids management. She assists with landfill/landfill gas design, landfill gas monitoring, permit review and compliance reporting, stormwater design and management, leachate treatment and management, and onsite O&M support.

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Christine Shand has prepared applications and requests for reimbursement from the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF) for over 20 years. She prepares grant applications and proposals for environmental funding.

    • Christine Shand has prepared applications and requests for reimbursement from the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF) for over 20 years. She prepares grant applications and proposals for environmental funding.
      Ms. Shand has assisted several public-sector entities in Southern California with application submittals for various funding programs, as well as water agencies, Indian Tribes, Brownfields sites, and contaminated dry cleaning projects. She has strong working relationships with state and local agency environmental funding staff, and she has worked on complex environmental sites, coordinated submittals for grant funding applications, and organized detailed budgets for clients, attorneys, and funding agencies. She previously worked as a legal assistant for 10 years, focusing on environmental issues.

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Jon Shaw, PG, is responsible for project implementation and business development in Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR), deep injection wells (DIW), and Carbon Sequestration. He has over 40 years of experience in water resources, specifically emphasizing water supply, water quality investigations, hydrogeology, contamination assessment, and remediation. He is a licensed Professional Geologist in Florida.

    • Jon Shaw, PG, is responsible for project implementation and business development in Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR), deep injection wells (DIW), and Carbon Sequestration. He has over 40 years of experience in water resources, specifically emphasizing water supply, water quality investigations, hydrogeology, contamination assessment, and remediation. He has worked on Everglades restoration, water supply development, water use permitting, and provides litigation support. Jon is a qualified expert witness in hydrogeology and has testified in federal court and administrative hearings. Water resources experience includes water use permitting, managing projects in support of Everglades restoration, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), deep injection well permitting, groundwater monitoring, assessment and remediation, and ecotoxicology. He worked with attorneys to help solve complex litigation matters and worked with state legislators in rule writing for water resources and protection of geology licensure.
      Prior to joining SCS Engineers, he worked with the South Florida Water Management District for 18 years, as well as national and international consulting firms, and his own consulting firm.
      Additional experience includes significant work in Everglades restoration. He is a recognized groundwater expert on the Floridan Aquifer, and has served on numerous public committees.

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Jacob Shepherd, PE, is a Senior Project Professional specializing in air compliance and landfill gas engineering throughout the mid-Atlantic. He is experienced in environmental engineering, air compliance, renewable energy, landfill and landfill gas engineering, and environmental services throughout the mid-Atlantic region. As the legislative liaison for SWANA Mid-Atlantic, he is a regional expert in air permitting and compliance in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, including federal Clean Air Act programs (NSPS, NESHAP, PSD, and NSR), RICE engine programs, and state regulatory programs. Mr. Shepherd is a Professional Engineer licensed in Virginia and Maryland.

    • Jacob Shepherd, PE, is a Senior Project Professional specializing in air compliance and landfill gas engineering throughout the mid-Atlantic. He is experienced in environmental engineering, air compliance, renewable energy, landfill and landfill gas engineering, and environmental services throughout the mid-Atlantic region. As the legislative liaison for SWANA Mid-Atlantic, he is a regional expert in air permitting and compliance in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, including federal Clean Air Act programs (NSPS, NESHAP, PSD, and NSR), RICE engine programs, and state regulatory programs. Mr. Shepherd is a Professional Engineer licensed in Virginia and Maryland.
      Mr. Shepherd’s landfill and landfill gas engineering experience includes the design of landfill gas systems, engineering of landfill containment systems, drafting site plans, and conducting data collection and analysis. He also has experience in monitoring and testing of landfills, landfill gas collection and control systems, perimeter monitoring networks, and groundwater monitoring systems.

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Andy Sheppard is responsible for regulatory and enforcement tasks related to the design and operations of landfills and solid waste facilities for private and public clients. His experience includes regulatory and compliance reporting, air quality and solid waste permitting, air quality and solid waste regulation and correction, and weather forecasting. Before joining SCS, Andy was a scientist for the US Environmental Protection Agency where he was project manager for the landfill sector air rules and regulations division. At the EPA, he assisted in the development of New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills and Oil and Natural Gas industries, and for an Information Collection Request for Oil and Gas NESHAP.

    • Andy Sheppard is responsible for regulatory and enforcement tasks related to the design and operations of landfills and solid waste facilities for private and public clients. His experience includes regulatory and compliance reporting, air quality and solid waste permitting, air quality and solid waste regulation and correction, and weather forecasting. Before joining SCS, Andy was a scientist for the US Environmental Protection Agency where he was project manager for the landfill sector air rules and regulations division. At the EPA, he assisted in the development of New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills and Oil and Natural Gas industries, and for an Information Collection Request for Oil and Gas NESHAP.

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Vinuta Sheshappanavar, EIT, is a Project Professional and has over 4 years of experience in environmental and solid waste engineering. She provides engineering support services for design, permitting, construction management construction quality assurance (CQA) services, and reporting for landfill projects. She supports projects involving gas collection and control system (GCCS) design, construction, and regulatory compliance, including sites subject to the New Source Performance Standards. She also performs system design and CQA services.

    • Vinuta Sheshappanavar, EIT, is a Project Professional and has over 4 years of experience in environmental and solid waste engineering. She provides engineering support services for design, permitting, construction management construction quality assurance (CQA) services, and reporting for landfill projects. She supports projects involving gas collection and control system (GCCS) design, construction, and regulatory compliance, including sites subject to the New Source Performance Standards. She also performs system design and CQA services.
      Additional experience includes risk assessments for different oil and chemical industries (terminals, petrochemical plants, pharmaceutical plants) in accordance with engineering standards (FM, NFPA, and API).
      Her education concentrated in chemical engineering, water/wastewater quality design, and energy systems.

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Tom Shuput is Vice President of Business Development for Corporate and SCSeTools®, located in San Diego, CA. He has over 3 decades of industry experience, over 20 years with SCS. He is active with SWANA National.

    • Tom Shuput is Vice President of Business Development for Corporate and SCSeTools, located in San Diego, CA. He has over 3 decades of industry experience, over 20 years with SCS. He is active with SWANA National. His technical expertise is landfill gas. Prior to joining SCS, he worked in areas of marketing, evaluated potential projects for recoverable gas estimates, identified energy markets, obtained permits, construction cost estimating, negotiated landfill gas leases and energy sales contracts, and completed several gas collection installations. He is involved in all aspects of marketing and sales for SCS Engineers.

Jeff Sieg, PG, is a Project Manager with a background in geology and extensive experience in the collection of storm water, groundwater, and soil samples; soil classification and identification of soil properties; interpretation of contaminant distribution and migration; and stratigraphic and hydrogeologic analysis. He often participates in investigations of hazardous chemicals in soil, soil vapor, surface water, and groundwater. He is a licensed Professional Geologist in California.

    • Jeff Sieg, PG, is a Project Manager with a background in geology and extensive experience in the collection of storm water, groundwater, and soil samples; soil classification and identification of soil properties; interpretation of contaminant distribution and migration; and stratigraphic and hydrogeologic analysis. He often participates in investigations of hazardous chemicals in soil, soil vapor, surface water, and groundwater. He is a licensed Professional Geologist in California.
      Mr. Sieg’s experience includes environmental site assessments (ESAs) of properties prior to real estate transfer, site investigation activities involving work plan preparation, soil gas surveys, installation of soil borings and subsequent sampling, groundwater well installation and sampling, precision mapping of sites, and evaluation of applicable remedial alternatives. He has experience with, and practical knowledge of, various remedial action alternatives, such as soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems, soil excavation, in situ chemical oxidation, and groundwater remediation, as well as evaluation of contaminants in surface water and groundwater in accordance with regulatory requirements or generally accepted guidelines. Mr. Sieg has also evaluated facilities, submitted recommendations related to OSHA and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliance, and supervised numerous site remediation and construction projects in Southern California, including installation of landfill gas (LFG) control systems.

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Sol Sim, PE, is a Vice President and Project Director with our Energy division. He has two decades of engineering-related experience and a strong background in construction and field operations. His experience includes managing the design and construction of landfill liner cells, landfill final cover systems, landfill gas (LFG) flare stations, and numerous LFG well and piping projects. He also assisted with permitting efforts for landfill expansions, has managed environmental and safety compliance at multiple sites in Southern California, and managed LFG operations, including 10 LFG technicians, across nine WM sites in Southern California and Hawaii.

    • Sol Sim, PE, is a Vice President and Project Director with our Energy division. He has two decades of engineering-related experience and a strong background in construction and field operations. His experience includes managing the design and construction of landfill liner cells, landfill final cover systems, landfill gas (LFG) flare stations, and numerous LFG well and piping projects. He also assisted with permitting efforts for landfill expansions, has managed environmental and safety compliance at multiple sites in Southern California, and managed LFG operations, including 10 LFG technicians, across nine WM sites in Southern California and Hawaii.
      He is an expert in Zink Ultra-Low Emission and traditional enclosed flare operations, and has significant experience in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) treatment system design and operation. He has designed gas collection and control system (GCCS) 5-year and final closure build-out plans, with respect to site LFG generation rates and operational fill sequence, and has improved surface emissions and probe compliance at all WM landfills in Southern California. Mr. Sim has facilitated and taught WM’s Landfill Gas Technician Program, and conducted numerous in-house training programs for WM employees.
      Mr. Sim is involved in permitting, design, construction, and operations and maintenance of LFG systems across the country. In addition to O&M projects, Mr. Sim has conducted many GCCS design and construction projects across California, Oregon and Alaska. These projects include landfill final cover systems, flare installations, hydrogen sulfide treatment systems, condensate injection systems, and numerous landfill gas well installations.

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Karam Singh is experienced in solid waste engineering including landfill design and permitting; Landfill Gas (LFG) collection systems design; facility compliance (air, groundwater and stormwater) and landfill remediation. He specializes in solid waste planning and engineering including facility (landfill and transfer station) assessments and feasibility studies, solid waste masterplans, landfill gas to energy (LFGTE) systems’ evaluation, financial evaluations, rate studies, collections and hauling contracts related procurement assistance, and stakeholder engagement.

    • Karam Singh is experienced in solid waste engineering including landfill design and permitting; Landfill Gas (LFG) collection systems design; facility compliance (air, groundwater and stormwater) and landfill remediation. He specializes in solid waste planning and engineering including facility (landfill and transfer station) assessments and feasibility studies, solid waste masterplans, landfill gas to energy (LFGTE) systems’ evaluation, financial evaluations, rate studies, collections and hauling contracts related procurement assistance, and stakeholder engagement.
      Mr. Singh has implemented unique techniques for LFG collection, including the use of tires and crushed glass in collection trenches, evaluation and design of leachate recirculation systems, development of caisson wells for LFG collection, development of chimney drain concept, installation of chimney drains to promote vertical connectivity in the cell, and site-specific reconnaissance to resolve “hot issues” within the waste mass at multiple sites.
      Karam is heavily involved in the solid waste industry, including serving the board of the Washington Chapter of SWANA and in other capacities, other organizations, and numerous initiatives.

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Ted Sison, REPA, CPSWQ, QSD, has a diverse background in soil and agricultural science and jointly leads SCS’s San Francisco Bay Area Office. He has been with SCS for two decades, and performs and manages projects related to the investigation and remediation of environmental contaminants at a wide variety of sites, including farms, chemical manufacturing facilities, manufacturing facilities, apartment complexes, public buildings, shopping centers, vacant lots, landfills, transfer stations, fuel stations, utility easements, Brownfields sites, and oil fields. He designs, manages, and conducts a multitude of soil and groundwater investigations, groundwater and soil vapor remediation systems, construction remediation projects, storm water programs at industrial sites, building material assessment and abatement projects, and indoor air investigations. Contaminants of concern have included a variety of petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and furans, and agricultural chemicals.

    • Ted Sison, REPA, CPSWQ, QSD, has a diverse background in soil and agricultural science and jointly leads SCS’s San Francisco Bay Area Office. He has been with SCS for two decades, and performs and manages projects related to the investigation and remediation of environmental contaminants at a wide variety of sites, including farms, chemical manufacturing facilities, manufacturing facilities, apartment complexes, public buildings, shopping centers, vacant lots, landfills, transfer stations, fuel stations, utility easements, Brownfields sites, and oil fields. He designs, manages, and conducts a multitude of soil and groundwater investigations, groundwater and soil vapor remediation systems, construction remediation projects, storm water programs at industrial sites, building material assessment and abatement projects, and indoor air investigations.
      Contaminants of concern have included a variety of petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and furans, and agricultural chemicals.
      With in-depth knowledge of incident response operations, personnel safety, and a wide array of field and monitoring equipment, he has expertise in recognizing and evaluating potential chemical and physical hazards and associated risks in field operations. He routinely establishes Standard Operating Safety Guidelines to ensure safe and effective response operations.

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Adam Smith, PE is experienced in landfill engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, and regulatory compliance. His experience includes project management, landfill gas system design, leachate management design, landfill closure design, landfill cell design, construction quality assurance (CQA) and quality control, and environmental compliance.

    • Adam Smith, PE is experienced in landfill engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, and regulatory compliance. His experience includes project management, landfill gas system design, leachate management design, landfill closure design, landfill cell design, construction quality assurance (CQA) and quality control, and environmental compliance.

Stephen Smith is a Senior Project Estimator for SCSC Field Services’ Construction Division. He has over two decades of experience in as a project manager and estimator in the construction industry. His projects include landfill cell construction, landfill closure construction, landfill gas collection and control systems, and municipal water and wastewater transmission systems. As Senior Estimator Mr. Smith is responsible for supervising and coordinating estimating function for our Construction Group. He is generally the lead on quantity surveys, cost estimates and proposals for construction projects including preparing material take-offs, obtaining material and subcontractor quotes, estimating manpower and equipment requirements, preparing detailed cost estimates, attending pre-bid meetings, and proposal development.

    • Stephen Smith is a Senior Project Estimator for SCSC Field Services’ Construction Division. He has over two decades of experience in as a project manager and estimator in the construction industry. His projects include landfill cell construction, landfill closure construction, landfill gas collection and control systems, and municipal water and wastewater transmission systems. As Senior Estimator Mr. Smith is responsible for supervising and coordinating estimating function for our Construction Group. He is generally the lead on quantity surveys, cost estimates and proposals for construction projects including preparing material take-offs, obtaining material and subcontractor quotes, estimating manpower and equipment requirements, preparing detailed cost estimates, attending pre-bid meetings, and proposal development.

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Andrew Smith is a Project Manager for our Energy Division.

    • Andrew Smith is a Project Manager for our Energy Division.

Eddy Smith, PE, is our Chief Operating Officer, responsible for implementing companywide strategies across our business units and practices. He previously served as Senior Vice President and Corporate Project Director, as well as the Business Unit Director for our Southeast Region. He has a BS in Civil Engineering from Georgia Tech and an MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Florida. Eddy has over 30 years of environmental and civil engineering design, consulting, and construction experience involving solid waste and stormwater management, contamination assessment and remediation. He has led several large landfill redevelopment and groundwater remediation projects in Florida. He was the founder and President of ES Consultants in Miami, which merged with SCS in early 2012. He serves on the SCS Board of Directors and oversees the implementation of the firm’s 2022 Strategic Plan and the Client Success initiative. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida.

    • Eddy Smith, PE, is our Chief Operating Officer, responsible for implementing companywide strategies across our business units and practices. He previously served as Senior Vice President and Corporate Project Director, as well as the Business Unit Director for the Southeast Region. He has a BS in Civil Engineering from Georgia Tech, an MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Florida, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida. He serves on the SCS Board of Directors and oversees the implementation of the firm’s 2022 Strategic Plan and the Client Success initiative.
      Eddy has over 30 years of environmental and civil engineering design, consulting, and construction experience involving solid waste and stormwater management, contamination assessment and remediation. He has led several large landfill redevelopment and groundwater remediation projects in Florida. He was the founder and President of ES Consultants in Miami, which merged with SCS in early 2012. Before his promotion to Senior Vice President, Eddy served as the Director of the Florida and Georgia regions, which experienced significant growth under his leadership. Eddy’s long-standing working relationships with many of the environmental regulators in South Florida have proven to be greatly beneficial to the clients he serves.
      Eddy’s management and technical experience is demonstrated by his successful execution on some of the largest, highest-profile, and environmentally sensitive projects in South Florida including the Old South Dade Landfill Closure Enhancement design/build project, and the Virginia Key, Homestead, Munisport (Biscayne Landing), and Peerless Landfill re-development projects in which he led the engineering and permitting.

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Lisa Smith has over 20 years of experience in a variety of roles in the field of environmental science, including serving as an environmental regulator at the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), a consultant at a national environmental consulting firm, and a research chemist at the University of Florida. Ms. Smith serves SCS Engineers as a principal technical advisor and expert in the field of risk based corrective action (RBCA).

    • Lisa Smith has over 20 years of experience in a variety of roles in the field of environmental science. Ms. Smith has worked as an environmental regulator at the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), a consultant at a national environmental consulting firm, and a research chemist at the University of Florida. Ms. Smith serves SCS Engineers as a principal technical advisor and expert in the field of risk based corrective action (RBCA). Ms. Smith provides unique insight with respect to regulatory issues. While working as DERM’s Risk Assessor, Ms. Smith served as the primary author of the County’s RBCA Ordinance, which regulates cleanup actions for county sites. Ms. Smith was also responsible for formulating department policy and generating technical documents relating to assessment, remediation, risk assessment, RBCA, waste water reuse, contaminated soil reuse, legally-applied pesticides, and construction on contaminated properties. Ms. Smith was instrumental in the development of the State of Florida risk based statutes, rules, and guidelines. While at DERM she was also responsible for technical oversight and training of hydrogeologists and engineers.

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Jacob Smith is a Project Professional in our Richmond, VA office.

Dr. Leslie Smith, PE, is experienced in environmental engineering and remediation, including performing and preparing contamination assessments, remediation implementation, contract management, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, hazardous material assessments and surveys, soil and groundwater sampling, underground storage tank removal oversight, report writing and review, and equipment maintenance. Dr. Smith manages and supports various advanced environmental projects, which include large-scale site assessments, remediation plans, soil management plans, and blending/source removal plans. She is a licensed Professional Engineer and has a PhD in Civil Engineering from Florida State University.

    • Dr. Leslie Smith, PE, is experienced in environmental engineering and remediation, including performing and preparing contamination assessments, remediation implementation, contract management, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, hazardous material assessments and surveys, soil and groundwater sampling, underground storage tank removal oversight, report writing and review, and equipment maintenance. Dr. Smith manages and supports various advanced environmental projects, which include large-scale site assessments, remediation plans, soil management plans, and blending/source removal plans. She is a licensed Professional Engineer and has a PhD in Civil Engineering from Florida State University.
      Dr. Smith has worked with the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) Cover, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Petroleum Restoration Program (PRP), the Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program, the FDEP Site Investigation Section (SIS) and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) on a variety of projects and contaminant types, including chlorinated solvents, petroleum constituents, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) metals, pesticides, and herbicides. Projects typically have involved feasibility studies, due diligence investigations, environmental studies, site investigations and assessments, remediation design and construction services, and preparation of various procurement documents. Facilities have included historic agricultural lands and golf courses, petroleum facilities, wetlands, stormwater treatment areas, transfer and substation stations, and support facilities (e.g., stormwater, utilities).

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Betty Socha, PG, is a hydrogeologist with expertise and extensive experience in soil and groundwater investigations and remediation, environmental site assessments, field investigation methods, geologic mapping, and interpretation of sedimentology and stratigraphy of glacial and non-glacial deposits for environmental and engineering projects. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Science, Master’s Degrees in Environmental Monitoring and Geology, and a PhD in Geology, all from the University of Wisconsin.

    • Betty Socha, PG, is a hydrogeologist with expertise and extensive experience in soil and groundwater investigations and remediation, environmental site assessments, field investigation methods, geologic mapping, and interpretation of sedimentology and stratigraphy of glacial and non-glacial deposits for environmental and engineering projects. Since 1985, she has designed and implemented geologic and hydrogeologic investigations at sites in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana, including several sites with fractured bedrock and multiple aquifer systems. Ms. Socha has an M.S. degree in Environmental Monitoring, a M.S. degree in Geology, and a Ph.D. in Geology, all from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

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Michael Solomon, PE, is Vice President of SCS Engineers and a Project Director for our Energy division’s constructing engineering group. He has nearly two decades of experience, including managing the EPC execution of renewable natural gas (RNG) projects.

    • Michael Solomon, PE, is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and a Project Director for our Energy division’s constructing engineering group. He has nearly two decades of experience, including managing the EPC execution of renewable natural gas (RNG) projects.
      Before joining SCS Energy, Mr. Solomon was a Project Manager for Noble Midstream Partners and AECOM conducting projects for several industries including oil and gas, chemical, power and government. His responsibilities included project commercial and technical management, project scoping, scheduling, procurement, safety and quality conformance, engineering coordination and construction oversight. He provided leadership of design teams and development of staff.

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Richard Southorn, PE, PG, serves as Project Director in our Chicagoland office. He manages coal combustion residual (CCR) and municipal solid waste projects, ranging from construction plan development to full-scale design services. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Alabama, South Carolina, Kansas, Michigan, Indiana, Hawaii, Oregon, and Georgia; and a licensed Professional Geologist in Illinois and Delaware.

    • Richard Southorn, PE, PG, serves as Project Director in our Chicagoland office. He manages coal combustion residual (CCR) and municipal solid waste projects, ranging from construction plan development to full-scale design services.
      As a Professional Engineer, he is experienced in developing site layouts and analyzing designs for multiple facilities. This has included infrastructure, landfill base and final cover liner systems, leachate extraction and cleanout systems, landfill gas control systems, and storm water management controls. He oversees geotechnical stability evaluations, storm water modeling, leachate collection system evaluations, landfill gas collection system design, and road design/queuing analyses for these facilities.
      As a Professional Geologist, Mr. Southorn has overseen and participated in numerous hydrogeologic investigations that characterize subsurface stratigraphy, hydrology/hydrogeology, and groundwater flow for the purpose of site development.
      He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Alabama, South Carolina, Kansas, Michigan, Indiana, Hawaii, Oregon, and Georgia; and a licensed Professional Geologist in Illinois and Delaware.

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Kollan Spradlin, PE, is experienced in project management, engineering services support, and environmental consulting throughout Florida, Tennessee, and Alabama. His expertise includes Environmental Site Assessments, hazardous materials, geotechnical explorations, soil and groundwater contamination delineation and treatment, landfill operations, leachate management, and compliance reporting. He is well practiced in the major federal environmental regulations with a specialization in solid and hazardous waste management in the Southeastern United States. He currently manages multiple solid waste consultation and general engineering services contracts for municipal clients in the Tampa Bay area.

    • His experience as a state regulator in Alabama introduced him to waste management and a variety of remediation techniques used at large-scale industrial facilities. As an engineering consultant in Tennessee and Florida, he has focused on assisting clients achieve their goals by applying lessons learned as a regulator.

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Melissa St. John has nearly two decades of progressive experience in solid waste compliance, project management, and landfill gas collection and control system (GCCS) operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M), as well as compliance reporting. She is a SWANA certified Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO) and a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS). As a Project Manager, she is responsible for air quality consulting that includes air permitting; oversight of air testing, sampling, and monitoring; OM&M and compliance; document and proposal preparation; and business development.

    • Melissa St. John has nearly two decades of progressive experience in solid waste compliance, project management, and landfill gas collection and control system (GCCS) operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M), as well as compliance reporting. She is a SWANA certified Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO) and a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS). As a Project Manager, she is responsible for air quality consulting that includes air permitting; oversight of air testing, sampling, and monitoring; OM&M and compliance; document and proposal preparation; and business development.

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Whitney Stackhouse is a Project Manager for SCS Field Services with over a decade of experience in the groundwater and geologic fields. She provides coordination, quality control and support services for groundwater, landfill environmental compliance and Landfill Methane Rule (LMR) surface emissions monitoring and reporting, as well as maintaining and testing landfill gas (LFG), groundwater, and leachate collection systems.

    • Whitney Stackhouse is a Project Manager for SCS Field Services with over a decade of experience in the groundwater and geologic fields. She provides coordination, quality control and support services for groundwater, landfill environmental compliance and Landfill Methane Rule (LMR) surface emissions monitoring and reporting, as well as maintaining and testing landfill gas (LFG), groundwater, and leachate collection systems.
      Additional experience includes management of RCRA and CERCLA regulated industrial facilities and Voluntary Cleanup Program sites, including wood treatment facilities, plating operations, plastics manufacturers, coke and tar plants, chemical manufacturing plants, and fuel blending operations. He supervised and provided engineering and regulatory recommendations for the characterization, remediation, and ongoing monitoring of historical releases. Worked with EPA Region 4 representatives, consultants, and stakeholders to develop characterization plans, risk assessments, pilot studies, remediation plans and performance standards.

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Alex Stege
Alex Stege
Vice President/Senior Project Advisor/National Expert on Landfill Gas Modeling
Tempe, AZ
National Expert: Landfill Gas Modeling
O. (602) 840-2596

Alex Stege is a Vice President, Senior Project Advisor, and SCS Engineers’ National Expert on Landfill Gas Modeling. He leads SCS’s non-regulatory landfill gas (LFG) recovery modeling services to support LFG-to-Energy and high-Btu methane utilization project development. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Stege developed and refined SCS’s U.S. LFG recovery model that leverages our companywide expertise in LFG collection to assess methane recovery more accurately. This model uses a database of over 1,300 years of measured LFG flows and SCS assessments of collection system performance at over 250 landfills to empirically define LFG model input assumptions. Mr. Stege has prepared domestic and international LFG modeling/due diligence studies for hundreds of landfills in the United States and around the world for the USEPA, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, landfill owners, municipalities, and LFG project developers.

    • Alex Stege is a Vice President, Senior Project Advisor, and SCS Engineers’ National Expert on Landfill Gas Modeling. He leads SCS’s non-regulatory landfill gas (LFG) recovery modeling services to support LFG-to-Energy and high-Btu methane utilization project development. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Stege developed and refined SCS’s U.S. LFG recovery model that leverages our companywide expertise in LFG collection to assess methane recovery more accurately. This model uses a database of over 1,300 years of measured LFG flows and SCS assessments of collection system performance at over 250 landfills to empirically define LFG model input assumptions. Mr. Stege has prepared domestic and international LFG modeling/due diligence studies for hundreds of landfills in the United States and around the world for the USEPA, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, landfill owners, municipalities, and LFG project developers.
      Mr. Stege also trains SCS staff on LFG modeling and is responsible for the ongoing development of SCS’s domestic and international LFG models. SCS has an advanced LFG modeling practice due in large part to Mr. Stege’s work.
      Mr. Stege frequently presents on the application of LFG models to evaluate landfill methane generation and recovery at conferences hosted by organizations such as LMOP (numerous conferences); the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Partnership [including Expos in China, India, and Canada]; the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA); the Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF); the Global Waste Management Symposium; and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). He has authored numerous international LMOP/GMI LFG models, and has provided training on their use. He has served as the Chairman of SWANA’s Generation and Modeling Committee for over a decade.

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Joy Stephens is a conscientious environmental scientist with strong communication, analytical, and technical skills. She is experienced with environmental surveys and monitoring, GIS, R, and Environmental Impact Assessments. She has extensive knowledge of sustainable development principles, issues surrounding energy production, and environmental policy. She has an in-depth understanding of the scientific principles (atmospheric, hydrological, geomorphological, and ecological) that underpin environmental management as well as the economic, political, social, and legal frameworks for managing the environment. Joy is a licensed remote pilot, and has a Master’s in Environmental Management (Energy).

    • Joy is a conscientious environmental scientist with strong communication, analytical, and technical skills. She is experienced with environmental surveys and monitoring, GIS, R, and Environmental Impact Assessments. She has extensive knowledge of sustainable development principles, issues surrounding energy production, and environmental policy. She has an in-depth understanding of the scientific principles (atmospheric, hydrological, geomorphological, and ecological) that underpin environmental management as well as the economic, political, social, and legal frameworks for managing the environment. Joy Stephens is a conscientious environmental scientist with strong communication, analytical, and technical skills. She is experienced with environmental surveys and monitoring, GIS, R, and Environmental Impact Assessments. She has extensive knowledge of sustainable development principles, issues surrounding energy production, and environmental policy. She has an in-depth understanding of the scientific principles (atmospheric, hydrological, geomorphological, and ecological) that underpin environmental management as well as the economic, political, social, and legal frameworks for managing the environment. Joy is a licensed remote pilot, and has a Master’s in Environmental Management (Energy).
      Joy performs data base management, tracking and cross-referencing data to determine system health, compliance monitoring and tracking, assign maintenance tasks and convey supervisory instruction, coordination of purchases and deliveries, general staff oversight including timekeeping records review and expense controls, as well as document and client report preparation and review. Her fieldwork includes gas analysis instrumentation, liquid levels, Tedlar bag samples, landfill gas migration probe monitoring, dangerous goods shipments, client communication and relations.

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Gabrielle Stephens is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and a Project Director with over two decades of experience in environmental consulting, all with SCS. Her experience includes numerous projects related to air permitting and compliance with solid waste regulations, including landfill gas (LFG) surface and perimeter monitoring, LFG assessment, and perimeter probe design and installation.

    • Gabrielle Stephens is a Vice President of SCS Engineers and a Project Director with over two decades of experience in environmental consulting, all with SCS. Her experience includes numerous projects related to air permitting and compliance with solid waste regulations, including landfill gas (LFG) surface and perimeter monitoring, LFG assessment, and perimeter probe design and installation. She provides air permitting services for LFG collection and control devices and associated equipment, including enclosed ground flares, LFG-to-energy (LFGTE) plants, and carbon absorption systems. She also conducts air permitting and compliance projects for combustion equipment, including flares, engines, and turbines.
      Ms. Stephens has worked with many of the air districts in California, including the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Bay Area AQMD, Antelope Valley AQMD, Mojave Desert AQMD, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD), Ventura County APCD, Santa Barbara APCD, and San Diego County APCD. She has also worked with Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) across Southern California.
      Ms. Stephens has completed emissions estimates and inventories and has prepared numerous permit-to-construct/operate permit applications. She prepares compliance reports, which includes reviewing and maintaining records and regulatory deadlines. She has also completed evaluations and reporting for federal GHG Rule and Rule AB32 LMR applicability

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Justin Stevenson, EIT, is one of our National Experts on Landfill Gas Control. He has designed numerous landfill gas (LFG) collection and control systems, including pipe sizing and head loss calculations, phasing plans, and end-of-life plans for Title V reporting. He assists in the design and start-up of LFG flare projects and performs construction oversight for LFG collection system and for LFG flare system installation. Mr. Stevenson has a BSE in Mechanical Engineering.

    • Justin Stevenson, EIT, is one of our National Experts on Landfill Gas Control. He has designed numerous landfill gas (LFG) collection and control systems, including pipe sizing and head loss calculations, phasing plans, and end-of-life plans for Title V reporting. He assists in the design and start-up of LFG flare projects and performs construction oversight for LFG collection system and for LFG flare system installation. Mr. Stevenson has a BSE in Mechanical Engineering.

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Steven Stewart
Steven Stewart
National Expert and Director for Sustainability
Mobile, AL
National Expert: Sustainability
O. (251) 283-6436

Steven Stewart, PE, is our National Expert and Director for Sustainability responsible for project development and also serves as client account manager for numerous clients including those with a sustainability focus. Steven has with more two decades of experience within the Environmental Consulting and Manufacturing Industry providing strategic thinking related to project planning, regulatory strategy, and developing sustainability initiatives. His experience includes energy efficiency measures, GHG reduction, carbon sequestration, water re-use and stewardship, and solid waste minimization and recycling programs. Additional experience includes managing and performing permitting, compliance audits, developing environmental management systems, long-term environmental planning, environmental and sustainability capital projects. He also has served as Environmental Manager and Capital Projects Portfolio manager at a large steel manufacturing facility which provides valuable experience to clients when project development and planning. Mr. Stewart is a licensed Professional Engineer in Alabama and Florida.

    • Steven Stewart, PE, is our National Expert and Director for Sustainability responsible for project development and serving as client account manager for numerous clients including those with a sustainability focus. Steven has with more two decades of experience within the Environmental Consulting and Manufacturing Industry providing strategic thinking related to project planning, regulatory strategy, and developing sustainability initiatives. His experience includes energy efficiency measures, GHG reduction, carbon sequestration, water re-use and stewardship, and solid waste minimization and recycling programs. Mr. Stewart is a licensed Professional Engineer in Alabama and Florida.
      Additional experience includes managing and performing permitting, compliance audits, developing environmental management systems, long-term environmental planning, environmental and sustainability capital projects.
      He also has served as Environmental Manager and Capital Projects Portfolio manager at a large steel manufacturing facility which provides valuable experience to clients when project development and planning.

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Christine Stokes, LSRP, is an environmental engineer experienced in environmental remediation, including soil, groundwater, and vapor intrusion assessments; environmental compliance; planning, permitting, and conducting remedial actions including underground storage tank (UST) closures and media treatment utilizing in-situ chemical oxidation and bioremediation in addition to more conventional methods such as pump and treat (P&T) and soil excavation as well as design, permitting, and installation of sub-slab depressurization (SSD) systems.

    • Ms. Stokes is an environmental engineer experienced in environmental remediation, including soil, groundwater, and vapor intrusion assessments; environmental compliance; planning, permitting, and conducting remedial actions including underground storage tank (UST) closures and media treatment utilizing in-situ chemical oxidation and bioremediation in addition to more conventional methods such as pump and treat (P&T) and soil excavation as well as design, permitting, and installation of sub-slab depressurization (SSD) systems. She has performed limited human health risk assessments for contaminated sites undergoing redevelopment in the New York and New Jersey area. She has conducted facility air permitting for small production facilities through USEPA Title V. She also managed a database of energy consumption for North America office and manufacturing operations which was used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions. She has experience with permitting, regulatory agency reporting, Stormwater Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) activities, preparation and updates of state Discharge Pollution Control and Countermeasures (DPCC) plans and federal Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans, and has been responsible for compliance with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for hazardous waste storage and disposal along with medical and radiological waste storage and disposal.
      Ms. Stokes has assisted with treatment design, installation and development of Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Plans for P&T and AS/SVE systems for sites with chlorinated solvent contamination. She conducted system sampling and inspections, and she has extensive experience conducting and managing Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) throughout the northeast.

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Suzanne Sturgeon is the Health and Safety Program Manager for SCS Field Services OM&M and SCS Energy. In this role, Ms. Sturgeon is responsible for program development and implementation, including all operational and administrative policies and procedures. Ms. Sturgeon monitors all field and administrative projects to be sure they are compliant with company, industry, and regulatory standards.

    • Suzanne Sturgeon is the Health and Safety Program Manager for SCS Field Services OM&M and SCS Energy. In this role, Ms. Sturgeon is responsible for program development and implementation, including all operational and administrative policies and procedures. Ms. Sturgeon monitors all field and administrative projects to be sure they are compliant with company, industry, and regulatory standards. Ms. Sturgeon manages the Health & Safety (H&S) training efforts for Field Services & Energy, as well as develops and conducts cultural-based training within the Company to promote understanding and participation at all levels while encouraging a behavior based philosophy essential to eliminating unsafe practices and conditions. Ms. Sturgeon conducts on-site safety assessments and provides incident analysis and feedback of all reported incidents and near misses as a means of promoting a proactive safety culture. Ms. Sturgeon has over 10 years of industry experience managing safety programs and has been integral in SCS’ efforts to eliminate OSHA reportable incidents, lost work days and reduce the company’s Experience Modification Rate (EMR). Ms. Sturgeon is a Certified Safety Management Specialist and is in the final stages of receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Health & Safety Management.

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Martin Sturzl, PE, has over 30 years of experience as an environmental engineer with extensive experience in landfill planning, permitting and design, mining, construction, and quality assurance/control. His landfill project experience includes cover installation, gas system construction, waste relocation, plan of operation, plan modification, and ash disposal facility design and construction. He has also prepared landfill feasibility reports and a variety of construction observation reports. His mining experience includes preparation of long-term mine plans, tailings/waste rock management, and reclamation planning.

    • Mr. Sturzl has over 30 years of experience as an environmental engineer with extensive experience in landfill planning, permitting and design, mining, construction, and quality assurance/control. His landfill project experience includes cover installation, gas system construction, waste relocation, plan of operation, plan modification, and ash disposal facility design and construction. He has also prepared landfill feasibility reports and a variety of construction observation reports. His mining experience includes preparation of long-term mine plans, tailings/waste rock management, and reclamation planning.

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Brandon Suchomel is a Project Professional experienced in the waste management industry and environmental consulting. He provides engineering support on solid waste-related sites and performs construction oversight and field documentation for various geosynthetics installation, clay liner construction, and landfill gas collection system construction. Brandon has experience with geotechnical analysis including slope stability and settlement as well as with environmental compliance work such as Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan development and environmental site investigations, including Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments. He also helps electric utilities comply with the Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule and move to renewable energy. He supports Wisconsin Power & Light’s CCR management efforts at their Wisconsin facilities in Portage, Cassville, and Sheboygan.

    • Brandon Suchomel is a Project Professional experienced in the waste management industry and environmental consulting. He provides engineering support on solid waste-related sites and performs construction oversight and field documentation for various geosynthetics installation, clay liner construction, and landfill gas collection system construction. Brandon has experience with geotechnical analysis including slope stability and settlement as well as with environmental compliance work such as Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan development and environmental site investigations, including Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments. He also helps electric utilities comply with the Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule and move to renewable energy. He supports Wisconsin Power & Light’s CCR management efforts at their Wisconsin facilities in Portage, Cassville, and Sheboygan.

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Patrick Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Senior Vice President/Business Unit Director/National Expert on Clean Air Act - NSPS and on Odor Management
Sacramento, CA
National Expert: Clean Air Act-NSPS and Odor Management
O. (916) 361-1297

Pat Sullivan, BCES, CPP, REPA, is a Senior Vice President and the Business Unit Director of our Southwest Region, encompassing California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. Pat is a Harvard-degreed scientist, a Registered Environmental Property Assessor (REPA), Board Certified Environmental Scientist (BCES), Certified Permitting Professional (CPP) in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), and an accredited Lead Verifier under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) AB 32 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) programs. He is our National Expert on the Clean Air Act and the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) and on Odor Management. He has over three decades of professional experience, all with SCS. He is active in 12 industry organizations, including the National Waste and Recycling Association (NW&RA), Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), and Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA).

    • Pat Sullivan, BCES, CPP, REPA, is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers and the Business Unit Director of our Southwest Region, encompassing California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. He is our National Expert on the Clean Air Act and the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS). He also serves as the Practice Leader for SCS’s Solid Waste Practice in the Southwest, and he oversees companywide GHG and Risk Assessment programs. Mr. Sullivan has over three decades of environmental engineering experience (all with SCS), specializing in solid waste management and other environmental issues.
      Mr. Sullivan also oversees SCS’s company-wide GHG and Risk Assessment programs and is one of the national experts on risk assessment and toxic exposure issues for solid waste facilities. He is a Senior Vice President and Member of the Company’s Management Advisory Committee.
      He is the Principal-in-Charge for projects related to air quality permitting and compliance, GHG emissions and climate change, LFG engineering and compliance, facility investigation and risk assessment, redevelopment of impacted properties, and soil and groundwater investigations at solid waste and other industrial facilities, as well as related engineering services. Mr. Sullivan has published and/or presented over 150 technical papers and/or presentations in industry journals, publications, conferences, seminar, and workshops.
      He has worked closely with regulatory agencies on the federal, state and local level. His expertise has been developed managing large-scale contracts, programs, and projects on a state and national level. His management experience includes managing professional and field staff and all aspects of operational performance, customer service, and project management. He has an extensive knowledge of regulatory permitting and compliance. His Real Estate training has been pivotal in large scale property acquisitions, divestitures, and development in the oil and gas and renewable energy sectors.

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Sean Sullivan, PE, is experienced in the design of landfill and landfill gas systems, transfer stations, and citizen convenience recycling centers. Additional environmental engineering experience includes liquids management, methane mitigation systems, stormwater management, and pollution prevention plans. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia and a SWANA-certified Technical Associate of Transfer Station Systems.

    • Sean Sullivan, PE, is experienced in the design of landfill and landfill gas systems, transfer stations, and citizen convenience recycling centers. Additional environmental engineering experience includes liquids management, methane mitigation systems, stormwater management, and pollution prevention plans. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia and a SWANA-certified Technical Associate of Transfer Station Systems.

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Tony Svorinich has worked in the environmental field since 1985, with an additional 10 years of experience working in the oil/petroleum refinery industry. His experience includes operations, construction, and engineering assistance with pollution control, remediation, and energy recovery systems, as well as petroleum refinery processes.

    • Tony Svorinich has worked in the environmental field since 1985, with an additional 10 years of experience working in the oil/petroleum refinery industry. His experience includes operations, construction, and engineering assistance with pollution control, remediation, and energy recovery systems, as well as petroleum refinery processes. His environmental experience has primarily involved landfill environmental compliance monitoring, including surface emissions and flare source monitoring/testing and reporting, gas control/recovery, and associated landfill services, including post-closure care. Other environmental remediation project experience includes engineering assistance, operation, and construction of groundwater and leachate pump and treatment systems, volatile organic compound (VOC) vapor extraction, and air stripper systems.

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Morgan Sykes’ experience ranges from system-wide mapping and modeling of water and sewer networks, civil site design, stormwater management, land development, vertical construction, and capital improvement planning. Additionally, he has worked as a general contractor for almost 10 of those years with projects ranging from small residential and commercial remodels to large civil infrastructure. Project experience includes feasibility studies, facility siting, and permitting, design, and construction services.

    • Morgan Sykes’ experience ranges from system-wide mapping and modeling of water and sewer networks, civil site design, stormwater management, land development, vertical construction, and capital improvement planning. Additionally, he has worked as a general contractor for almost 10 of those years with projects ranging from small residential and commercial remodels to large civil infrastructure. Project experience includes feasibility studies, facility siting, and permitting, design, and construction services.
      Facilities include landfills, transfer stations, wastewater treatment plants, commercial warehouses, residential and commercial subdivisions, and support facilities (e.g., roadways, buildings, stormwater, utilities).
      Additional experience includes site grading, stormwater design and permitting, water system and sanitary sewer system design and modeling, site assessments, and preparation of various procurement documents.
      Morgan’s leadership on engineering-heavy design projects, including transfer stations, has been instrumental in our clients’ success.
      Morgan is a skilled project manager who also excels as a mentor, guiding young engineers in the principles of civil engineering design. His diverse talents have made a significant impact on SCS, particularly in the Energy and Construction sectors.