
Laura Freeman has a diverse background in engineering support services. She has experience supporting engineers and compliance reporting for landfill and landfill gas (LFG), environmental compliance. She also has experience in right-of-way easement and securing permits for construction/engineering projects.

    • Laura Freeman has a diverse background in engineering support services. She has experience supporting engineers and compliance reporting for landfill and landfill gas (LFG), environmental compliance. She also has experience in right-of-way easement and securing permits for construction/engineering projects, prior to joining SCS. In addition she has experience in the accounting field working along engineering/construction services.

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Gilbert Fregoso is a Project Manager for our OM&M Division serving the LA/Ventura California area.

    • Gilbert Fregoso is a Project Manager for our OM&M Division serving the LA/Ventura California area.

Kevin Frinak, EIT, is a Project Professional with solid waste management experience, including operational consulting, compliance, and permitting for solid waste management facilities. He has experience overseeing landfill construction projects, including bid phase support, construction management, and CQA. He has developed SPCC, BMP, Landfill Operations, and Solid Waste Management Plans, and has assisted industrial clients with regulatory compliance and corrective action plans.

    • Kevin Frinak, EIT, is a Project Professional with solid waste management experience, including operational consulting, compliance, and permitting for solid waste management facilities. He has experience overseeing landfill construction projects, including bid phase support, construction management, and CQA. He has developed SPCC, BMP, Landfill Operations, and Solid Waste Management Plans, and has assisted industrial clients with regulatory compliance and corrective action plans.
      Additional experience includes performing Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, field sampling, and reporting for stormwater, groundwater, soil, and landfill gas. He has also led a technical research project related to leachate management at CCR landfills.

Gil Gabaldon, PG, has over 25 years of experience working primarily on oil and gas projects including soil and groundwater sampling and remediation of hydrocarbons and metals. His project experience includes soil and groundwater sampling, monitor well installation and plug and abandonment, regulatory reporting, client interaction, supervision of field and office staff, and emergency response. He is professional geologist in Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee.

    • As a project geologist and project manager, Mr. Gabaldon has completed numerous risk-based investigations both conducting the fieldwork and managing the project. Mr. Gabaldon has over 25 years of experience working primarily on oil and gas projects including soil and groundwater sampling and remediation of hydrocarbons and metals. Project experience includes soil and groundwater sampling, monitor well installation and plug and abandonment, regulatory reporting, client interaction, supervision of field and office staff, and emergency response. He has prepared reports for various regulators including the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC). He is professional geologist in Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee.

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Jacob Gaither is experienced in landfill design, field engineering/O&M support, hydraulic piping and pump station design, and control equipment troubleshooting and calibration. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering.

    • Jacob Gaither is experienced in landfill design, field engineering/O&M support, hydraulic piping and pump station design, and control equipment troubleshooting and calibration. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering.

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Aidan Gallagher is responsible for coordinating and performing site assessment activities including soil and groundwater sampling, as well as being involved in project management as an Assistant Project Manager (APM). Aidan works closely with SCS’s southeast regional offices and clients. Since joining SCS in 2019, he has completed environmental assessment, reporting, client service, and many other environmental tasks for municipal and private clients.

    • Aidan Gallagher is responsible for coordinating and performing site assessment activities including soil and groundwater sampling, as well as being involved in project management as an Assistant Project Manager (APM). Aidan works closely with SCS’s southeast regional offices and clients. Since joining SCS in 2019, he has completed environmental assessment, reporting, client service, and many other environmental tasks for municipal and private clients.
      Mr. Gallagher participates in or coordinates due diligence investigations, site investigations, environmental studies, soil management, construction services, and has assisted with writing Site Assessment Reports, GW Monitoring for Drainage Approval, Iron and Arsenic Subregional Background Studies, Response to Comments, Source Removal Reports, GW Sampling Reports, and Soil Management Operating Reports. Facilities include former landfills, landfill sites, industrial sites, and agricultural sites prior to redevelopment. Other projects have included preparation of various documents for local and state regulators.
      His experience includes numerous environmental site assessments, contamination assessments, remedial action plans, and remedial construction projects throughout South Florida. Chemical contamination encountered in both soil and groundwater media includes petroleum, heavy metals, pesticides, PAHs, and solvents.

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Kacey Garber, PG, is an experienced groundwater project manager for active and closed landfills, including routine groundwater monitoring and statistical analyses; reports and permit applications; designing sampling and analysis plans; special groundwater studies; and conducting groundwater well construction planning and design. She has also been involved in PFAS work groups. Ms. Garber has a Masters degree in Geoscience.

    • Kacey Garber, PG, is an experienced geologist and hydrogeologist. Her areas of expertise include groundwater program management and related solid waste permitting for landfills (both active and closed/actively within post-closure care period), geologic and hydrogeologic site characterizations, groundwater monitoring well design and installation oversight, and groundwater reporting and special studies for coal combustion residuals (CCR) impoundments and landfills. Ms. Garber works closely with solid waste and CCR facility owners/operators, drilling contractors, local government officers, municipal employees, and private property owners.
      Ms. Garber is a member of SCS Engineers’ Underground Injection Control (UIC) practice, and contributes to Class I and Class VI deep injection well projects.
      Field work experience includes collection of groundwater, surface water, landfill leachate, industrial and municipal wastewater, and soil; oversight of groundwater monitoring well installation; logging and sampling soils for well drilling operations; groundwater well maintenance and development; inspection of final landfill covers for post-closure care; and routine wetland monitoring and delineation activities.

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Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Senior Vice President/National Expert on Solid Waste Collection and Routing and on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies
Virginia Beach, VA
National Expert: Solid Waste Collection and R... +
O. (757) 466-3361

Robert Gardner, PE, BCEE, is a Senior Vice President with expertise in landfill engineering, landfill gas management, solid waste studies, landfill environmental systems, liquids management, operation and maintenance, and construction. He works closely with SCS’s national and regional clients. Mr. Gardner is also our National Expert on Solid Waste Collection & Routing and on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies.

    • Mr. Gardner is a Senior Vice President with expertise in landfill engineering, landfill gas management, solid waste studies, landfill environmental systems, liquids management, operation and maintenance, and construction. He works closely with SCS’s national and regional clients. Mr. Gardner is also our National Expert on Solid Waste Collection & Routing and on Solid Waste Finance and Rate Studies.
      Practice Areas
      Since joining SCS in 1980, Mr. Gardner has completed solid waste, hazardous waste, environmental assessment, facility design, compliance audit and other environmental study projects for municipal and private clients. Projects typically have involved feasibility studies, due diligence investigations, facility siting, site investigations, environmental studies, permitting, design and construction services.
      Facilities have included landfills, landfill gas control facilities, material recovery facilities, transfer stations, wastewater treatment plants, and support facilities (e.g., roadways, buildings, stormwater, utilities). Other projects have included waste composition studies, rate studies, compliance audits, site assessments, and preparation of various procurement documents.
      Mr. Gardner has participated in or directed numerous environmental site assessments, contamination assessments, remedial action plans and remedial construction projects throughout the United States. Project sites have included fuel storage facilities, vehicle maintenance facilities, truck stops, chemical processing plants, active and closed landfill sites, abandoned chemical disposal sites, and superfund sites. Chemical contamination encountered in both soil and groundwater media has included petroleum, heavy metals, dioxin, pesticides, heavy metals, PCBs, and solvents.

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Phil Gearing, PE, is a Vice President with nearly two decades of experience with solid waste landfills, ash disposal facilities, and geotechnical projects. His experience includes permitting, reporting, and construction design for landfill expansions and CCR pond closures. His CQA knowledge and experience includes installation of various geosynthetics, gas extraction systems, clay liner construction, and drainage system construction. Phil also has experience in groundwater and air monitoring and various geotechnical related analyses, including slope stability and settlement. Phil is a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.

    • Phil Gearing, PE, is a Vice President with nearly two decades of experience with solid waste landfills, ash disposal facilities, and geotechnical projects. His experience includes permitting, reporting, and construction design for landfill expansions and CCR pond closures. His CQA knowledge and experience includes installation of various geosynthetics, gas extraction systems, clay liner construction, and drainage system construction. Phil also has experience in groundwater and air monitoring and various geotechnical related analyses, including slope stability and settlement. Phil is a licensed Professional Engineer in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.

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John Gerbac is our Director of Remote Monitoring Controls (RMC) for our OM&M division. He is responsible for developing our RMC technologies employed throughout the country. He is a Premier SCADA/MES Engineer who designs, develops, and integrates MES, SCADA, SPC, and various other application solutions. His industry experience includes landfill gas (LFG), manufacturing, building automation, food & beverage, and mining. He won the Inductive Automation Ignition Firebrand Award in September 2019.

    • John Gerbac is our Director of Remote Monitoring Controls (RMC) for our OM&M division. He is responsible for developing our RMC technologies employed throughout the country. He is a Premier SCADA/MES Engineer who designs, develops, and integrates MES, SCADA, SPC, and various other application solutions. His industry experience includes landfill gas (LFG), manufacturing, building automation, food & beverage, and mining. Taking a consultative approach to systems integration, he works with organizations to make sure business needs are fulfilled within a project and helps to identify opportunities for improvement. Mr. Gerbac takes customer satisfaction seriously and aims to always exceed expectations.

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Dan Gibbs is process engineer experienced in air separation, hydrogen liquefaction, and CO2 purification and liquefaction. He has conducted engineering, commissioning, startup, and operations at facilities in the United States, Canada, and Brazil. At SCS, Dan supports the design of renewable natural gas (RNG) facilities.

    • Dan Gibbs is process engineer experienced in air separation, hydrogen liquefaction, and CO2 purification and liquefaction. He has conducted engineering, commissioning, startup, and operations at facilities in the United States, Canada, and Brazil. At SCS, Dan supports the design of renewable natural gas (RNG) facilities.
      Additional experience includes primary process engineering support for 10 multi-plant facilities across North and South America covering air separation, N2 pipeline, CO2 liquefaction, and H2 production and liquefaction. Responsibilities included coordinating operations, logistics, and engineering support teams to plan and execute plant outages; leading evaluation for $60MM asset group to identify new business opportunities, improve operational strategy, and develop investment plan for 10-year life extension; identifying opportunities for and designed projects to recognize efficiency and production improvements. In one key project, adjusted process equipment to measure five percent efficiency improvement, providing a benefit of half a million dollars per year; and managing a team of six engineers through commissioning of a $4 million retrofit to a nitrogen liquefier.

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Eric Girven is a Project Manager and an Ammonia Refrigeration Advisor for our Tracer Environmental division. He is very active in the Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA) and the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR). He is experienced in Industrial Refrigeration Process Safety Management (PSM), Risk Management (RMP), and energy management. He conducts mechanical integrity inspections, process hazard analysis, and compliance audits, and he is a industrial refrigeration instructor.

    • Eric Girven is a Project Manager and an Ammonia Refrigeration Advisor for our Tracer Environmental division. He is very active in the Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA) and the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR). He is experienced in Industrial Refrigeration Process Safety Management (PSM), Risk Management (RMP), and energy management. He conducts mechanical integrity inspections, process hazard analysis, and compliance audits, and he is a industrial refrigeration instructor.

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Albert Glenn, PE, has more than 20 years of professional engineering experience in solid waste, water, wastewater and civil/site work. His experience includes project management, planning, regulatory liaison, federal and state permitting, construction quality assurance (CQA) and quality control, new and closure landfill design, transfer station and convenience center design, development of construction packages, and construction administration for the solid waste industry

    • Mr. Glenn has more than 20 years of professional engineering experience in solid waste, water, wastewater and civil/site work. His experience includes project management, planning, regulatory liaison, federal and state permitting, construction quality assurance (CQA) and quality control, new and closure landfill design, transfer station and convenience center design, development of construction packages, and construction administration for the solid waste industry

Christina Golden, EIT, is experienced operating, monitoring, and maintaining (OM&M) of landfill gas (LFG) systems and field activities related to liquids and gas sampling and monitoring. She provides construction services and LFG well monitoring, blower/flare station data collection, surface emissions monitoring, groundwater well monitoring and sampling, database management, documentation services, and engineering services. She has experience on LFG collection systems such as landfill gas to energy systems.

    • Christina Golden, EIT, is experienced operating, monitoring, and maintaining (OM&M) of landfill gas (LFG) systems and field activities related to liquids and gas sampling and monitoring. She provides construction services and LFG well monitoring, blower/flare station data collection, surface emissions monitoring, groundwater well monitoring and sampling, database management, documentation services, and engineering services. She has experience on LFG collection systems such as landfill gas to energy systems.

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Sean Gordon is a Project Manager for our OM&M Division’s Remote Monitoring and Control services.

Mike Goudreau, PE, has over 30 years of consulting experience and has been with SCS for over 18 years. Mike has significant experience with solid waste and environmental remediation projects including municipal, rubble and industrial waste landfills, landfill closures, solid waste transfer stations, and public convenience/recycling centers.

    • Mr. Goudreau has over 30 years of consulting experience and has been with SCS for over 18 years. Mike has significant experience with solid waste and environmental remediation projects including municipal, rubble and industrial waste landfills, landfill closures, solid waste transfer stations, and public convenience/recycling centers. In general, Mike’s project responsibilities have included multi-disciplined project management for site investigation and remediation, facility design, preparation of plans, studies, reports, specifications, contract documents, quantity and cost estimates, regulatory permit applications, shop drawing reviews, sampling and remediation work plans, and reports required for environmental and landfill permitting. Design expertise has included stormwater management and conveyance, grading, erosion and sediment control, landfill cell layout, fill sequencing, leachate management systems, and landfill closure.

Brian Gould nearly two decades of experience performing environmental and solid waste management projects. His experience includes Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) of commercial and agricultural sites, remedial activities at hazardous and non-hazardous project sites, and landfill investigations.

    • Brian Gould has two decades of experience performing environmental and solid waste management projects. His experience includes Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) of commercial and agricultural sites, remedial activities at hazardous and non-hazardous project sites, and landfill investigations. This includes historical and regulatory research; collection of soil, groundwater, landfill gas, and suspect asbestos or lead-containing material samples; supervision of subcontractors; health and safety compliance; data management; interpretation of laboratory analytical results; remediation oversight; and technical report preparation.

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David Greene, PE, has a variety of solid waste related environmental engineering experience, including air permitting, landfill gas, financial analysis, landfill due diligence efforts, regulatory development and analysis, compliance planning, greenhouse gas monitoring, emission inventory including emission factor development, SPCC and SWPPP development. He has an MBA and is a Professional Engineer licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina.

    • Mr. Greene has a variety of solid waste related environmental engineering experience, including air permitting, landfill gas, financial analysis, landfill due diligence efforts, regulatory development and analysis, compliance planning, greenhouse gas monitoring, emission inventory including emission factor development, SPCC and SWPPP development. He has an MBA and is a Professional Engineer licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina.
      Mr. Greene also consults internationally in Southeast Asia focusing on the areas of planning and implementing training and evaluating the feasibility of LFG energy projects at solid waste disposal sites.

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Jeffrey Grill
Jeffrey Grill
Business Unit Director/Vice President/National Expert on LFG and Biogas to Energy
Long Beach, CA
National Expert: Landfill Gas and Biogas to Energy
O. (562) 988-3183

Jeff Grill is the Business Unit Director of our SCS Energy division, a Vice President of SCS Engineers, and our National Expert on Landfill Gas and Biogas to Energy. His expertise includes the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of biogas to Renewable Gas & energy facilities, including Landfill Gas-to-Energy facilities, biogas treatment facilities, and power plants. He has over 20 years of energy and renewable natural gas (RNG) project development, engineering, and management. His core values are quality, consistency and engineering excellence.

    • Jeff Grill is the Business Unit Director of our SCS Energy division, a Vice President of SCS Engineers, and our National Expert on Landfill Gas and Biogas to Energy. His expertise includes the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of biogas to Renewable Gas & energy facilities, including Landfill Gas-to-Energy facilities, biogas treatment facilities, and power plants. He has over 20 years of energy and renewable natural gas (RNG) project development, engineering, and management. His core values are quality, consistency and engineering excellence.
      Prior to becoming the Business Unit Director, Jeff led the Energy group’s process engineering division which is responsible for the design of all SCS’s RNG facilities. He provides a wide array of engineering and management services ranging from conceptual to detailed design and implementation.
      Jeff has built an execution portfolio of 19 patents and applications and has designed over 50 Renewable Natural Gas processing plants with a combined designed production capacity equivalent to 16% of California’s 2021 residential natural gas consumption. This is equivalent to almost one and a half percent of the US residential natural gas consumption, equating to a reduction of over 4.1 million tons of CO2 GHG emissions or 2.1 million tons of coal burned per year. The capacity of the landfill gas to pipeline quality RNG projects that Jeff has supervised or designed totals over 335 MMCFD for landfill gas to RNG, and over 34 MMCFD for dairy digester and municipal WWTP gas to RNG.

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Ricky Guenther, PE, AHERA, has 15 years of experience as an engineer in environmental consulting. He has diverse experience in sediment, soil and groundwater investigation and remediation, ash impoundment cover and liner construction, storm water analysis, methane investigation and remediation, and brownfield redevelopment.

    • Mr. Guenther has 15 years of experience as an engineer in environmental consulting. He has diverse experience in sediment, soil and groundwater investigation and remediation, ash impoundment cover and liner construction, storm water analysis, methane investigation and remediation, and brownfield redevelopment. His areas of expertise include site investigation, cost estimating, bidding and construction documents, and construction oversight and documentation. Rick has worked with private property owners and developers, electric utilities, and industrial facilities.

Evan Guignon is a Senior Project Professional in our Southwest region.

    • Evan Guignon is a Senior Project Professional in our Southwest region.

Dr. Juliette Gutierrez is our National GIS Coordinator. She has substantial experience with geographic information systems (GIS), database management, data warehousing, business intelligence, decision support, project management, systems analysis, design, software development and testing. She has an MBA with an emphasis on Information Management, and a PhD in Information Systems & Technology.

    • As SCS’s National GIS Coordinator, Dr. Gutierrez is responsible for geographic information system (GIS) environments installation and management, which includes Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcSDE, ArcGIS Online, Field Maps, Survey123, and many layers, feature classes, map services, and images. She is tasked with the planning, organization, upgrade, and migration of GIS environments. Additional responsibilities include addressing daily issues and requests for GIS analysis, maps, and data; supporting project and proposal GIS work; writing Python scripts/Jupiter notebooks for automation; and writing SQL for reports and Excel/CSV data exports from the SQL Server. Prior to joining SCS in 2021, she managed the GIS/Database for the Orange County (California) Water District, using Oracle database applications.
      Dr. Gutierrez has over three decades of information technology experience, including substantial experience with GIS, database management, data warehousing, business intelligence, decision support, project management, systems analysis and design, and software development and testing. She also has considerable experience designing and developing data warehouses and data marts, and running relational databases on-premise and in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Dr. Gutierrez has worked for several large organizations, including Yahoo Search Marketing, Washington Mutual Financial Services, Warner Music Group, Esri, and others as a developer and product engineer.

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George Gutierrez is a Project Manager with our Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring (OM&M) division.

    • George Gutierrez is a Project Manager with our Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring (OM&M) division.

Dale Haase, PE, is a Project Manager. He prepares and submits air permit applications; waste water applications: NPDES, stormwater and SPCC plans; hazardous waste generator compliance plans; and all types of environmental compliance reporting for clients. He is particularly experienced at helping clients build sustainable health and safety cultures using training and positive behavior reinforcement with an emphasis on compliance and case management.

    • Dale Haase, PE, is a Project Manager. He prepares and submits air permit applications; waste water applications: NPDES, stormwater and SPCC plans; hazardous waste generator compliance plans; and all types of environmental compliance reporting for clients. He is particularly experienced at helping clients build sustainable health and safety cultures using training and positive behavior reinforcement with an emphasis on compliance and case management.