Jeffrey Sieg

Jeffrey Sieg

Jeff Sieg, PG, is a Project Manager with a background in geology and extensive experience in the collection of storm water, groundwater, and soil samples; soil classification and identification of soil properties; interpretation of contaminant distribution and migration; and stratigraphic and hydrogeologic analysis. He often participates in investigations of hazardous chemicals in soil, soil vapor, surface water, and groundwater. He is a licensed Professional Geologist in California.
Mr. Sieg’s experience includes environmental site assessments (ESAs) of properties prior to real estate transfer, site investigation activities involving work plan preparation, soil gas surveys, installation of soil borings and subsequent sampling, groundwater well installation and sampling, precision mapping of sites, and evaluation of applicable remedial alternatives. He has experience with, and practical knowledge of, various remedial action alternatives, such as soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems, soil excavation, in situ chemical oxidation, and groundwater remediation, as well as evaluation of contaminants in surface water and groundwater in accordance with regulatory requirements or generally accepted guidelines. Mr. Sieg has also evaluated facilities, submitted recommendations related to OSHA and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliance, and supervised numerous site remediation and construction projects in Southern California, including installation of landfill gas (LFG) control systems.