SCS Leachate™

scs tracking
SCS clients’ are lowering leachate management costs.

If you desire to facilitate tracking leachate generation and disposal data against budgeted estimates, this application handles the input, analysis, review, and export of leachate information, specifically including liquid levels, volumes, and analytical data for a given data collection point.

Collection points can be sumps, storage tanks, and discharge points, including tracking the rainfall totals, monthly or over any short or long-term period, at a site.

Data analysis can include charting volumes, measuring liquid levels, and reviewing individual data points, which includes analytical data, plus aggregation and review of total volumes for a site. The functionality being added will aggregate volume information from various data collection points and will provide a site-wide volume of both generated and disposed of leachate.

SCS DataServices® users are able to evaluate liquids issues within a LFG wellfield. The module includes the functions to manage the chemistry and quantities of landfill leachate.

SCS Engineers SCS eTools
Data Flow – Landfill Leachate Module Example


Leachate disposal data collected in the field on pre-formatted forms uploads into the application, noting the disposal method. The system performs the following functions:

  • Query, chart, and graph leachate disposal data by site, multiple sites, or for a larger organization’s multiple locations;
  • Track and integrate rainfall amounts over short and long-term periods at sites;
  • Establish trends in a site’s leachate disposal totals using nine different parameters associated with leachate management;
  • Provide insight into leachate amounts generated site-by-site.

The resulting generation and disposal trends, especially when compared year-over-year across all disposal methods, produces information critical to determining optimal disposal options and solutions, such as:

  • Deciding how to minimize leachate costs by benchmarking against previous years, current budgets, and other sites;
  • Using the analyses as budgeting input and support for evaluation of other disposal options and leachate recirculation;
  • Optimizing treatment and disposal options when challenged with stricter wastewater treatment plant policies;
  • Using recorded and documented information assimilated for single, or multiple sites’ leachate chemistry to create what-if scenarios for various disposal options;
  • Normalizing leachate data across many sites, regardless of size, by trending gallons per landfill acre.