Dalton-Whitfield Regional Solid Waste Management Authority and SCS Field Services Recover Landfill Gas as a Renewable Energy Source

October 23, 2007


Dalton, GA – The Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority (DWRSWMA) and Dow Chemical located in Dalton, GA, have agreed to develop an environmentally beneficial project which protects the environment and capitalizes on an otherwise wasted resource – the use of landfill gas  as an energy source.

DWRSWMA awarded SCS Field Services, a division of SCS Engineers, a contract to construct the landfill gas collection system and two mile pipeline to the Dow facility.

Landfill gas, which is created by the decomposing waste in the DWRSWMA landfill, is both an asset and a liability. Landfill gas is an energy source which can be utilized to offset fossil fuel. “We realized we could derive a benefit from the landfill gas instead of just flaring it and are very pleased that Dow can use it at their facility. Utilizing the landfill gas as a renewable energy source benefits our community,” according to Norman Barashick, Executive Director of the DWRSWMA.

Dow’s Dalton site is located approximately ten miles south of Dalton, Georgia, in the center of the carpet industry for North America.  Dow’s Dalton facility manufactures latex for carpet backing applications. “Given the growing importance of developing sustainable products within Dow and the carpet industry, this is a significant and exciting project for both Dow and our customers,” said Todd Crook, Global Marketing Manager, Dow Latex.

Landfill gas is a greenhouse gas which typically is composed of 45 to 50 percent carbon dioxide (CO2) and 50 to 55 percent methane (CH4). Methane is 21 to 23 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than is carbon dioxide.  By collecting the landfill gas, this project significantly reduces the landfill gas emitted from the landfill, and offsets carbon dioxide emissions by avoiding the use of fossil fuels.

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