
SCS Engineers understands that medical facilities need to protect the health of the diverse communities they serve. But hospitals and medical facilities must also manage a wide variety of environmental impacts stemming from the resources they use, the purchase of energy, and the waste created.

scs healthcare sector servicesSCS offers a range of professional design services intended to reduce environmental impacts, increase occupant comfort, and improve building performance. Sustainable design values include the ability to enhance site potential, reduce non-renewable energy consumption, use environmentally preferred products, increase indoor environmental quality, and optimize operational and maintenance practices. Implementing a sustainable design philosophy encourages decisions at each phase of the design process – without compromising the bottom line.

For example, our Facility Energy Management team worked with the Veterans Administration to retro-commission 24 medical centers comprising over 21 million square feet. The project involved planning and investigative phases which entail adjusting operations, making simple repairs, and identifying low-cost operational and maintenance improvements that enhanced energy efficiency and helped avoid the need for major equipment replacement. Additionally, more capital intensive corrective actions and costs for energy efficiency and other improvements were identified. The goals of RCx projects are to achieve improved indoor air quality, comfort, controls, extended systems life, reduced operation and maintenance costs, energy and resource efficiency, and reduced energy costs.

Explore our solution service areas by clicking on the links below:

Biogas, Anaerobic Digestion, Renewable Natural Gas

  • Alternative Energy Strategies for Transportation

Environmental Management Plans and Systems

Facility Energy Management

  • Commissioning (Cx) and Retro-Commissioning (RCx)
  • Energy Audits and Assessments
  • Energy Modeling
  • Facility Energy Management Strategies
  • Green Building Strategies
  • Sustainable Design Services
  • Water Management Strategies

Federal Government Services

Hazardous Waste and Superfund

Health and Safety

Solid Waste Planning

  • Diversion, Recycling, and Organics
  • Waste Management Strategies