Stormwater Management – Pollution Prevention Plan, Condensate Tank Construction Project, Corpus Christi, Texas

SCS Engineers Stormwater ManagementA Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was prepared for the Condensate Storage Tank Construction at Magellan’s Corpus Christi bulk storage terminal. SCS Aquaterra completed industrial stormwater permitting and compliance for the large construction site.

Stormwater compliance and permitting services included the following:

  • Completion and submission to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an Industrial Notice of Intent (NOI) to discharge stormwater to receive a general stormwater permit
  • Prepared a comprehensive inventory of all potential pollutant sources, focusing on exposed materials
  • Evaluation and appropriate segregation of all accepted waste streams for recycling or disposal
  • Development of an erosion control plan, incorporating a landfill phasing and construction design plan, evaluation and management plan for soil stockpiles vegetation and borrow areas, and management of runoff involving contact water and stormwater
  • Determination and implementation of appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) based on the site specific erosion control plan designed to prevent and/or reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants entering stormwater as a result of ACCIL activities
  • Preparation of engineering drawings including a facility layout and stormwater control plan. The stormwater flow plan accounts for all stormwater flow pathways at the facility and includes two stormwater detention areas and a run-on control ditch to minimize stormwater flow onto the ACCIL facility
  • Preparation of comprehensive facility inspection and training checklists to aid in facility compliance with SWPPP