LFGE Financial drivers

April 11, 2023

SCS Engineers is hosting our 2023 Pennsylvnia Solid Waste Seminars on Tuesday, June 6 in Harrisburg, PA.

This half-day seminar is designed to provide updates on the latest regulatory, policy, and technological developments in the solid waste, landfill, landfill gas, and sustainable materials management industries.  The sessions are presented by experienced SCS professionals, and continuing education units are available.

This year, our professionals will cover these important topics:

  • Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Landfill Gas Data Analysis and OM&M, by Justin Stevenson
  • Leachate PFAS Treatment, by Sam Cooke
  • Compost Best Management Practices, by Greg McCarron
  • Emerging LFGE Financial Drivers: eRINs, Crypto, and Funding from the Fed, by Eric Peterson
  • Indicators of Heat Generation Processes that May Cause Elevated Temperature Landfills, by David George
  • Tools to Estimate GHG Emissions from Landfills, by Lisa Wilkinson
  • Pennsylvania Regulatory Update, by Josh Roth

Lunch will be provided, followed by Disc Golf.

The seminar is intended for solid waste management professionals, landfill managers, waste/recycling managers, supervisors, and operators. For attendees already possessing solid waste management and disposal experience, topics will provide a fresh perspective and cover important regulatory and technological updates. For those new to the field, topics will cover essential information on various critical aspects of waste/ recycling program collections, transfer, processing, and disposal, as well as landfill development, operations, monitoring, and management

We look forward to seeing you there!


Posted by Laura Dorn at 3:31 pm