marine debris

January 26, 2023

Join SCS staff as we participate in the 41st annual Baynanza celebration of Biscayne Bay, April 15, 2023.

Baynanza is a celebration of Biscayne Bay and its significance as one of the most important ecological systems in South Florida. Traditionally celebrated throughout March and April, Baynanza culminates with the Biscayne Bay Cleanup Day, where thousands of volunteers join together to help clean up our bay’s shoreline. Since it began in 1982, volunteers have helped remove over one million pounds of trash from Biscayne Bay.

Along with the annual cleanup efforts associated with Baynanza, Miami-Dade County also conducts restoration activities in Biscayne Bay throughout the year. In 2020, staff from the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (DERM) coordinated the removal of 70,000 pounds of debris from the Bay and adjacent wetlands. These efforts were partly documented by public service announcements tackling issues of marine debris around Biscayne Bay and illegal dumping in coastal wetlands.

This year, Baynanza commemorates its 41st year, and on April 15, 2023 (from 9 a.m. to noon), the community will come together once again to celebrate the incredible marine resources and help restore Biscayne Bay’s shoreline at over 30 locations across Miami-Dade County. Volunteers at all the cleanup sites will receive a free commemorative T-shirt and community service hours are available to all students who participate.

Click for updates and registration information.


Posted by Laura Dorn at 10:07 am