Long Beach – Each year the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) seeks nominations for its various awards. This year, in 2006, the Planning & Management Division’s Solid Waste Management Excellence Gold Award will go to the Charlotte County, Florida, Solid Waste Management Division landfill team for achieving the highest level of excellence in solid waste management at the Zemel Road Landfill. SCS Engineers (SCS) is proud to be a part of that team.
Charlotte County has experienced a tremendous population increase since the 1950s – virtually doubling every decade, as it has become one of the country’s most preferred and affordable retirement communities. As the area’s popularity and population increased, the County has developed an efficiently run, integrated solid waste management system, which includes a state-of-the-art solid waste landfill, curbside solid waste, yard waste and recyclables collection program, multiple customer convenience facilities, household and special waste collection, an escrow, post-closure care fund, and a non-ad valorem mandatory solid waste assessment program to finance the annual operational costs for countywide solid waste collection and disposal.
Ongoing plans to expand its landfill gas collection and reuse, its innovative customer recycling and mini-transfer network, community clean up and abandoned boat program highlight the success of this program. When the County was hit by the devastation resulting from Hurricane Charley in 2004 – one of the strongest hurricanes to hit the United States since Hurricane Andrew – the County was able to manage the daunting task of the unprecedented debris burden resulting from this natural disaster.
The award will formally be presented to the team at SWANA’s Awards Luncheon to be held in conjunction with the program activities of WASTECON 2006, September 17th – 21st in Charlotte, North Carolina.