CASPER, WY – The City of Casper, Wyoming awarded a contract to SCS Field Services to install a new landfill gas (LFG) collection and control system (GCCS) at the City’s Balefill Landfill. The GCCS will be one of the largest in Wyoming.
During the bidding and proposal process, SCS’s extensive experience and proven track record installing LFG collection and control systems, including flare stations, became clear. Services to the City will include the installation of LFG wells, soil vapor extraction wells, incorporating existing passive vents into the new active system, HDPE piping, and a blower-flare station to combust the extracted gas.
“In 2015, the City of Casper entered into the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s Remediation Program to fund the Casper Balefill, a Gas Collection and Control System project,” stated Alex Sveda, Associate Engineer, City of Casper. “Through the program the state is required to fund remediation activities through reimbursement. SCS Field Services was one of six contractors from different states (WI, LA, CA, OH, IL, TX) to bid this project. A landfill gas collection system of this size is unique to Wyoming, and the City of Casper looks forward to working with SCS Field Services.”
“We are pleased to work with the City of Casper,” said Tom Barham, an SCS Senior Vice President and Director of SCS Field Services. “We look forward to delivering a GCCS that benefits the City, its citizens, and the environment by reducing health and environmental impacts from landfill gas emissions, methane, and odorous compounds.”