Due Diligence and Site Remediation for New Urban Development

Hermitage Apartments Brownfield Site located in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida

SCS was retained by the Allen Morris Company, the developer, to conduct due diligence on a downtown St. Petersburg city block, located in a designated Brownfields area. After Phase II investigations revealed groundwater impacts from heating oil and dry cleaning solvents, SCS was retained by the site owner, the ARC Group, to remediate the site to closure status. In addition to site assessment and remediation work, SCS completed health and safety plans for the construction crews.

Site Assessment
Groundwater impacted by fuel oil and dry cleaning solvents was found during two Phase II Environmental Site Assessments conducted by SCS. The area of concern (AOC) consisted of the mixed plumes covering approximately 800 square feet and extending to a depth of approximately 30 feet below grade surface. Additionally, SCS conducted an asbestos survey of the property and completed a plan to properly remove asbestos-containing materials for safe demolition of the existing building.

Site Remediation
Following the assessments, SCS was retained to conduct an interim source removal. To address the affected groundwater within the AOC, SCS designed and implemented an air sparge and multiphase extraction (AS/MPE) remediation system to bring concentrations of the contaminants of concern below their regulatory standards.

Regulatory Agencies
Due to the time sensitivity of the project, SCS worked with FDEP to agree on a remediation method and an expedited site closure timeline prior to remediation activities. Following remediation activities, SCS submitted an Interim Source Removal Report (ISRR)/Site Assessment Report (SAR)/No Further Action Proposal (NFAP) to the FDEP and received a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) less than three months after initiating remediation activities.

Contamination Issues
SCS designed the remediation system to clean-up both the dry cleaning and heating oil plumes at the same time. As a precautionary measure desired by lending officers, SCS designed and oversaw the installation of a vapor barrier system for the development.