SCS Aquaterra conducted a fatal flaw analysis, siting study and provided UIC Class I, II, III, and V permitting services, for a newly developed cavern stabilization/beneficial reuse project in south-central Kansas. This facility is expecting to emplace brine impacted soils from nearby LPG storage facilities, O&G exploration/hydraulic fracturing fluids, and, high solids drill cuttings, into existing former Class III UIC LPG storage wells for purposes of cavern (well) stabilization.
This facility is a former salt solution mined LPG storage facility that ceased operation in the early 1990’s. The facility operated 32 Class III UIC storage caverns (wells) and one Class I UIC deep injection disposal well.
For purposes of the cavern stabilization/beneficial reuse project, the 32 Class III wells were re-permitted as Class V UIC shallow injection disposal wells, and the one Class I well was re-permitted as a Class II UIC disposal well. This is the first project of its kind in the State of Kansas.
The UIC permitting consisted of meeting KDHE and EPA Region VII requirements for siting, geological characterization, long term operations, financial assurance and annual compliance for these wells.
In addition, SCS Aquaterra has provided geotechnical oversight for the construction of facility improvements including office buildings and roadways, the development of a beneficial reuse materials plan and materials manifests, and engineering services designing a batch processing plant.
This facility has recently received regulatory approval and is the process of beginning operations.
Summary of Services: