Rate Studies – Tipping Fee and Sanitation Assessment Study, Charlotte County, Florida

Charlotte County, Florida

Charlotte County retained SCS Engineers to conduct a tipping fee and sanitation district assessment study for the County’s solid waste system.

Based on data and information provided by County staff, a pro-forma rate model was developed which enabled SCS to make projections of financial performance of solid waste collection and disposal for the upcoming planning period (FY2014-FY2018) and model different possible rate structures. The rate study was used to determine the solid waste fees and assessments required to adequately recover the costs of providing those services to the customers.

SCS’ final financial plan and report provides a discussion of the methodology used to conduct the analysis, and the revenue requirements of the program as determined by the analysis.  It also proposes three options of tipping fees and non ad valorem assessments to be considered by the Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners.