Storage Tanks, Spill Prevention – Transfer Station and Hauling Facilities, Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures – Waste Management Inc. (Virginia and North Carolina)
SCS was retained by Waste Management, Inc. to produce Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans for its transfer station in Danville, Virginia, and its hauling facilities in Stoneville and Weldon, North Carolina.
The work included a visit to each of the facilities and review of existing environmental reports and other historical documents. The SPCC Plans were produced to address the following:
Physical layout of facility with site description and site plan.
Tank inventories, drainage controls, and past spills, if any.
Spill response plans, including emergency contact information and containment procedures.
Prediction of potential spill events, including direction, rate and quantity of flow, and capacities of underground and aboveground storage tanks.
Description of diversionary structures (curbing, culverts, diversion ponds, other barriers) and equipment (weirs and booms, sorbent materials, hand tools, etc.) to prevent spill migration.
Inspections and recordkeeping for tanks, past spills and maintenance.
Personnel training on the operation and maintenance of equipment for discharge prevention.
Site security, including fencing, gates and lighting, pump control locks and drain valves.
Description of tanker car and tanker truck unloading/loading facilities and leakage prevention equipment.
Aboveground storage tank and piping requirements and protection analysis.
SPCC Plan requirements for facility drainage, bulk storage, compatibility and secondary containment.