Waste Characterization – Statewide Waste Generator Study, California Integrated Waste Management Board

SCS assisted with a statewide waste characterization study for CIWMB.

On behalf of the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB), SCS Engineers conducted the waste generator task of the statewide waste characterization study under subcontract to Cascadia Consulting Group. The study characterized the waste generated, both disposed and diverted, from 10 commercial generator groups that are major sources of waste in the state.

The study consisted of field sampling, sorting and quantification, which were used to establish a comprehensive waste generation for each business type.

As part of this study, SCS was responsible for:

  • assisting in the study design, including selection of generator groups, sample sizes, and material types
  • recruiting businesses to participate in the study
  • conducting waste assessments at 400 businesses located in the Sacramento, Bay Area, Los Angeles and San Diego regions
  • compiling data on waste diversion, by material type, diversion activity and quantity
  • preparing final report on waste generation by business group