
October 20, 2022

SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
Kacey Garber is a groundwater protection project manager involved in maintaining the safety of our planet’s water supply.


Kacey Garber wanted to be a storm chaser when she grew up, trained to detect and alert others of brewing severe weather. But then she found geology and went on to earn graduate and postgraduate degrees in this discipline, which brought the summa cum laude scholar to SCS Engineers. Her charge is groundwater protection, an area where she aspires to grow her expertise further.

The young professional (YP) is already moving quickly along that trajectory, beginning by supporting landfills and utilities and now applying her strong skill set in a highly specialized, fast-evolving arena – deep-well injection.

A common thread binds Garber’s main interests – groundwater protection, geology, and meteorology/trained weather spotter, which she still does in her spare time.

“What draws me to these niches is the thrill of being part of the scientific community collecting and interpreting compelling data to figure out solutions. And not just any solutions but those with the promise of helping protect people and the environment. That’s where I want to have an impact,” she says.

She’s heard of climate change almost her whole life and has thought for almost as long that someday she would play some problem-solving role to help mitigate its effects.

Garber splits her time at SCS between several areas. She monitors and tests groundwater for landfills, closely following both active and closed sites, and helping landfills prepare for post-closure. She supports electric utilities with groundwater issues potentially related to their closed coal ash ponds and disposal sites. And now, she is leading groundwater protection tasks for class VI deep-well injection projects as part of a dedicated team that permits and builds these wells.

The cutting-edge, EPA-regulated technology injects and stores carbon dioxide underground safely, preventing this potent greenhouse gas from releasing into the atmosphere.

Garber’s on-the-job experience in the field is paramount to her new, added role. Her studies in geology focused on sedimentary basins are also proving important.

“Sedimentary basins [where large bodies of rock occur] are ideal spots for carbon sequestration. But first, you must understand the geologic characteristics of the basin and each rock formation and determine exactly which locations within the basin are best for injecting and storing carbon dioxide. That’s a big part of what I do to ensure efficiency and safety,” she says.

In her eyes, Garber lives and works in the best of two worlds in that she can concentrate on different but related interests.

“Joining our deep-well injection team brings me back to my roots in traditional geology. But it also enables me to stay on the groundwater monitoring track, which is meaningful as I aim to position myself as a national expert who can do this important work. Ensuring water quality is critical to protecting the environment and communities, as a large part of our country relies on groundwater for its water supply.”

As she grows her reach into deep-well injection, she grows her relationships too. The multidisciplinary team—all new colleagues to her a year ago are her newest work family addition.

“It’s humbling to partner with so many incredibly smart people, each with their respective areas of expertise. We’ve come to trust each other’s judgment as we solve issues together. And as it turns out, we have a lot in common, especially our love of nature—the joy we find in being outdoors, camping, and hiking.”

Getting a foot in the door of a nationwide environmental firm has been good. Especially one that welcomes YPs and is vested in their career development, something she found uncommon among companies with as great a geographical reach and breadth of expertise.

She seized the opportunity.

“I saw it as a way to gain visibility early in my career. And to become well-rounded in my discipline. We perform groundwater monitoring for many project types, and there are parallels in how it’s done in each; I can support and learn from all of them.”

At the same time, she explores other specialized areas.

“There are designated experts here at SCS in many professions and industries dedicated to caring for the environment. They are great resources to learn from.”

Where she would land one day was unknown for a while. Garber thought she’d become a professor or researcher at one time. But that changed when she interned with the United States Geological Survey, venturing beyond the classroom and lab to assess land use impacts on water quality and floodplains.

“I liked solving problems out in the field and decided pretty quickly that’s where I wanted to be,” she says.

The desire to teach is still in her, though. She travels state to state, presenting to regulators, technology experts, and other seasoned professionals and decision-makers on groundwater modeling, monitoring, and testing.

She also reaches out to ambitious geology students, visiting them on campus to tell them about deep-well injection and carbon sequestration and that the company she works for does these projects around the country. Their curriculum rarely includes an introduction to this specialized niche.

Remembering herself as one of them, Garber says, “I didn’t know of this work in college. I first learned as a newcomer to SCS.

It intrigued me, and I was excited to hear that the deep-well injection group needed a team member with a strong monitoring background. Later I thought, how cool it would be for students to discover this potential career path early.”

How else does she fill her days? Besides watching for and reporting developing storms to weather bureaus– she called in a funnel cloud once out in the field—she plays guitar in a local band.

Sometimes she goes solo and has played and sung at a nearby rehabilitation center and nursing home.

“I love playing music. It makes me happy. But what really feels good is to play for folks, especially those who may be more limited in what they can do and where they can go. For them, listening to music and dancing seems to be the highlight of their day. It makes me happy to see them happy.”


SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
Kacey presenting at the 2022 Groundwater Protection Council’s Annual Conference.
SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
Geoscientists love their rocks! Kacey hiking Mt. Lemmon for the view and the geology.

Ensuring a safe, healthy environment and a better world for everyone is about a commitment to people, community, and hard work. Thank you, Kacey Garber, for your dedication to keeping our groundwater safe, for helping execute innovative solutions to advance sustainability, and for bringing a lift to others along the way. 


You, can make a difference in your life, your work, and your community!





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

June 14, 2019

SCS Engineers is proud of the level of community involvement that many of our professional and technical staff provide to municipal governments, professional associations and organizations, charitable organizations, scholarship programs, youth mentoring programs, and similar endeavors.

We appreciate the commitment and care that local organizations such as 4-H offer within our communities nationwide. SCS continues its support of publications used by the 4-H Geology program, for example, a STEM component of the 4-H program in Kansas. 4-H provides educational materials, field trips, and mentoring to over three hundred families with children participating in this unique program. SCSers always look forward to the feedback from kids and parents, especially our future geologists and hydrogeologists!

This year the special fossil publication went into its second printing. 4-H gives these to each new family enrolled in 4-H Geology to help them with fossil identification. The 4-H State Field Trip Guidebooks are also very popular.

Rock on 4-H!

To learn more about 4-H Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math visit their website




Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:05 am

February 25, 2019

The purpose of the Quaternary Geology of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin report is to provide an interpretation of the distribution and history of glacial deposits and a map showing their distribution.

This report should be useful for planning and development agencies in making land-use decisions, and to the non-metallic mining industry to aid in locating potential sources of aggregate.

The stratigraphic framework presented provides a basis for future detailed groundwater studies in the area. Finally, we hope that naturalists and others interested in the geologic history of the land on which we live will enjoy reading this report.

The report is available for sharing and downloading from the Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey.

We hope you find it both interesting and valuable. For geological surveys and information in other states, please contact us.




Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

March 14, 2017

SCS Engineers’ Phillip E. Gearing, PE is a winner of the SWANA 2017 Young Professional Award from the Wisconsin Badger Chapter. The Solid Waste Association of North America honors individuals like Phil who make a significant difference in the solid waste industry.

Phil Gearing
Phil Gearing, PE, SCS Engineers and recipient of the 2017 SWANA – Wisconsin Young Professional Award.

Phil represents the best of the young professionals working within Wisconsin’s solid waste industry. Clients, contractors, and team members appreciate Phil’s leadership and passion for doing the job right.

He is a dedicated father of three children and an avid fan of all things Wisconsin, namely Badger sports, Green Bay Packer football, and Brewer baseball. Wisconsin from head to toe! Phil was raised on a dairy farm in Jackson County near Merrillan and attended the University of Wisconsin – Madison where he earned his B.S. in Geological Engineering, Geology, and Geophysics.

Phil serves clients out of the SCS Engineers office in Madison, WI.


Read about Phil’s work and SWANA award here.


Congratulations! Thanks for your hard work and dedication Up North.








Posted by Diane Samuels at 3:00 am