less plastic

July 28, 2022

Reduce Plastics


Hold The Plastic, Please! Consumers who purchase restaurant food for home delivery don’t often require plastic straws, disposable plastic cutlery, and single-use plastic packets of ketchup, soy sauce, and mustard that come along with it. Many restaurants and food delivery services have smartened up and made these optional choices.  So, if you want a little less plastic with your food, let your local restaurants know. It will save them and you money and works toward reducing the amount of plastic floating around our oceans.

Beyond Plastics recently published a free, downloadable guide called “Hold The Plastic, Please – A Restaurant’s Guide To Reducing Plastic.” The guide offers restaurant owners detailed, practical, and inspiring advice on how to reduce the use of plastic in their operations and how to effectively convey those changes to customers, reporters, and the general public.


Download Hold The Plastic, Please, at Beyond Plastics!


Beyond Plastics is a nationwide project based at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont, whose mission is to end plastic pollution by being a catalyst for change. It takes changes at every level of our economy and civil life to stem the tide of plastic pollution. Individuals can take small actions in their everyday lives to be part of a growing movement to make a difference. Corporations can initiate changes in their purchasing and packaging habits; governments can impose bans and adopt laws that require extended producer responsibility.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am