managing organic material

August 8, 2024

Municipal Composting Program
Use these resources to help establish, grow, or expand your municipal composting program.


The Composting Consortium, an industry collaboration managed by Closed Loop Partners’ Center for the Circular Economy, released new resources that Greg McCarron of SCS Engineers recommends to municipalities looking to start or enhance a composting program. A blueprint, “How Organics Diversion Can Help Achieve Zero Waste Goals,” offers a clear and actionable framework, including:

Policy and Program Expansion for Diverting Food Waste: This section dives deeply into effective strategies for policy development. It explores methods to incentivize resident and business participation while outlining pathways to maximize food waste diversion from landfills.

Setting Up Programs and Infrastructure: This section provides a clear roadmap for establishing new organics programs. It details best practices for collection methods, explores various processing options (composting facilities, anaerobic digestion), and offers guidance on navigating the critical process of contracting with composters.

Communication with Program Participants: This section provides a comprehensive communications toolkit. It outlines strategies for educating participants on proper sorting techniques, maximizing program participation, and fostering long-term program success.

The site also includes platforms and programs that you may find useful and help connect you with other city officials and leaders nationwide to share and discuss best practices in starting and expanding organics programs & composting infrastructure.

These free, non-commercial resources will help you appreciate and understand applying the science and practice of composting and what is critical to a successful site, design, permit, and manage municipal composting programs that support circularity and operational efficiencies – creating value for all stakeholders. Many municipalities are interested in growing their programs to help the environment and provide a useful byproduct by reducing the amount of waste being hauled away and ultimately placed in landfills.

More Composting Educational Resources:

  1. Design, Siting, & Permitting of a Municipal Compost Facility, a video with Q&A
  2. Designing a Sustainable Municipal Composting Facility, a Waste Advantage article
  3. Ask an Organics Management Expert for information and access to experts




Posted by Diane Samuels at 10:31 am