Material Management

April 5, 2024

The 10th annual NYS Organics Summit is happening at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel and Conference Center in Buffalo, NY. This year’s event will be hybrid, offering in-person and virtual access. The NYS Organics Summit is an opportunity to connect with more than 200 materials management professionals to share success stories, learn about emerging issues, develop networks and partnerships, and discuss creative solutions to help advance sustainable organics management across New York State. The event’s program includes presentations, panel discussions, networking, and workshops. A student poster showcase will be hosted on Wednesday, April 17th and separate tickets are available for those interested in touring the NOCO Forestry’s Buffalo River Compost Facility and Generate Upcycle’s anaerobic digester.

The event is open to NYSAR3 members and non-members, with special pricing for students. Register today!


Posted by Brianna Morgan at 9:33 am