July 26, 2021

landfill regulations


The EPA  and, in some cases, states are rolling out new emissions guidelines at least as stringent. The EPA estimates that the plans could cover about 1,600 landfills. These landfills are in 41 states, tribal entities, and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

MSW landfills without Gas Collection and Control Systems (GCCS) that reach a specific threshold will need to add these systems and have 30 months to install or update control systems to meet new standards.  As you’ve noticed by now, we’ve greatly oversimplified what is happening.

The new regulations and timetables are difficult to understand and untangle. SCS Engineers, in concert with SCS Field Services, have prepared resources to help during the transition period and afterward when landfills are likely to need more monitoring and measurement, thus creating millions of more bits of data to store, analyze, and report.

We hope you find these resources useful. We will be publishing more soon.

These resources may help you with future monitoring and maintenance:

  • VideoUsing GIS Technology on Landfills for efficient monitoring, maintenance, and compliance.
  • Waste Today Article: Landfill Operators discuss using eTools, a web-based application platform for landfill gas data.
  • EM Magazine: Remote Monitoring and Control and SCADA on landfills






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

July 16, 2021

nsps transition
OOO, AAAA, NSPS, EG, and NESHAP alphabet soup.


Thank you to the many folks attending SCS’s live webinar on July 15th about managing the NESHAP, NSPS/EG transition period. As promised, we’ve created a library of resources for you to use and share with your colleagues.


These resources may help you with future monitoring and maintenance:

  • Video: Using GIS Technology on Landfills for efficient monitoring, maintenance, and compliance.
  • Web page: SCSeTools is a web-based application platform that collects, monitors, views, charts, graphs, and manages data.
  • Find an Expert: Search feature on our website to find assistance with the service area Clean Air Act.


We’re here to help. Please find an expert or contact us at .









Posted by Diane Samuels at 4:33 pm

May 27, 2021

odor sources on landfills


All landfills regulated under the NESHAP air program must comply with updated federal regulations by September 2021, including new requirements for landfill gas beneficial use treatment systems and gas system design plans. Additionally, the EPA is finalizing a federal plan implementing new NSPS air rules for landfills modified or constructed before July 2014, and not yet covered under an approved state plan.

At the state level, as part of a continued focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, Maryland MDE is expected to publish new regulations this year addressing landfill methane control.

Jacob ShepherdJacob Shepherd, P.E., will cover what landfills need to do to comply with the updated federal regulations and will discuss anticipated new requirements under the MDE regulatory initiative as an example of the direction states are moving.

This discussion takes place at REVISION 2021, an online conference.

For additional information, see our recent blog: Regulatory Alert: MSW Landfills Federal Plan to Implement the Emission Guidelines (EG) and Compliance Times.







Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

July 10, 2018

This paper, presented at A&WMA’s 111th Annual Conference details the Tier 4 process and the potential issues that have arisen from conducting a Tier 4. This paper also assesses potential Tier 4 sites, exceedance reporting, wind monitoring, additional SEM equipment requirements, penetration monitoring, notification and reporting requirements, and impacts on solid waste landfills that will use the Tier 4 SEM procedure for delaying GCCS requirements. This paper reviews the changes between the draft NSPS and the final version of the new NSPS that was promulgated.

Click to read or share the paper, and learn about the authors.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 12:05 pm