siting transfer station

March 11, 2019

A well-sited transfer station could possibly save millions a year in operation costs, but it’s nearly impossible to find a location with every desirable checklist item. Project developers and one municipality share which priorities tend to matter the most and how to satisfy as many as possible, whether it is accessibility, traffic considerations, zoning, among others.

“There has been an uptick in construction of transfer stations in the past several years. Governments want to have facilities in their community for convenience,” says Michael Kalish, vice president of SCS Engineers.

Easy access is key.

“Haulers want to collect material quickly and easily to get rid of it and get back on the road. Otherwise, it costs a lot of money and time,” says Kalish.

Read the article How to Resourcefully Site a Transfer Station.




Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am