waste minimization

February 8, 2017

The Society of American Military Engineers recognized SCS Engineers for their 15 years of service and volunteer support at the District of Columbia post this month. The award was presented by  Commander Craig Clutts of the US Navy, the Outgoing DC Post President.

On hand to receive the award for SCS was John Tabella, PG, LEED AP®, National Expert for Environmental Due Diligence and for Federal Services; Heather Blake (pictured),  Federal Marketing Coordinator, and  Dave Hostetter, PE, LEED AP®, and CEM at SCS Engineers.

Pictured L-R: Phil Angelides (Alpha Corporation), Heather Blake (SCS Engineers), Chris Fafard (Potomac Hudson & Associates), and Commander Craig Clutts of the US Navy (Outgoing DC Post President). Photo courtesy of SAME DC.

SCS Federal Services

SCS Engineers has a very long track record of solving environmental and energy management, solid waste, hazardous waste, water, and air compliance challenges. Approaches we pioneered include risk-based cleanups, voluntary cleanups, accelerated investigations, presumptive and sustainable remedies, environmental management systems, energy systems, and waste minimization. These approaches are at the forefront of local and Federal environmental and energy programs today.

SCS provides professional engineering and scientific services with a focus on environmental protection and conservation of resources. Our clients come back because we find practical approaches to even the most complex environmental challenges.



Posted by Diane Samuels at 3:00 am