Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference

January 8, 2025

Join SCS Engineers at the 2025 Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference, taking place February 26-28, 2025, at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.

SCS Engineers will be presenting on a range of topics, offering expertise and fresh perspectives to help shape the future of integrated resource management. Make plans to attend and connect with industry professionals while exploring the latest advancements in the field. We look forward to seeing you at the Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference!

Learn more and register today!

Betsy Powers & Marcus Gamoke: Design/Operation Considerations for Accepting Food Waste at Compost Facilities 

As more businesses, individuals, and municipalities work to divert food waste from landfills, the demand for composting facilities is growing. This presentation will discuss the additional design and operational challenges of accepting food waste. Betsy and Marcus will share perspectives from both an engineer and operator.

  • Meet the Presenters

Betsy Powers is a Project Director and Professional Engineer with over 26 years of experience in solid waste management. Her expertise includes landfill, MRF, and compost facility design, permitting, construction, waste characterizations, and site development.

Marcus Gamoke is the owner of Busy Bee Compost and a UW-Stevens Point graduate. He has 9 years of experience operating four composting locations across Wisconsin. His facilities produce WDNR Class A standard and OMRI-certified organic compost.

Join Betsy and Marcus as they explore how to meet the growing demands of food waste diversion. Learn about the unique challenges these efforts bring to compost facility design and operation.

Jeff Phillips: An Update on Landfill and Recycling Industry Fires

Fires at landfills and recycling facilities are a growing concern in the solid waste industry. Developing a fire mitigation plan, and training on that plan, can help prevent fires. These efforts also help limit escalation by addressing gaps in knowledge, resources, and communication between facility managers and emergency responders.

Meet the Presenter

  • Jeff Phillips is a Project Manager at SCS Engineers with over 20 years of experience. He specializes in designing and implementing Integrated Solid Waste Management programs. Jeff helps solid waste clients integrate sustainable materials management into their master plans.

Join Jeff as he explains how to identify gaps in fire prevention efforts. Learn strategies to implement and train fire mitigation plans to improve safety and reduce risks.

Jeff Phillips & Hannah Sperfslage: Stakeholder Strategic Planning for Organics Management in Iowa

Iowa is advancing organics management by collaborating with a broad range of stakeholders. Jeff and Hannah will discuss how the Iowa DNR worked with SCS Engineers to engage stakeholders and develop effective strategies. The process reflects diverse perspectives to support statewide progress.

  • Meet the Presenters

Jeff Phillips has over 20 years of experience in sustainable materials management and solid waste planning.
Hannah Sperfslage graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Global Resource Systems and Environmental Studies. Her background includes sustainability, health, and safety.

Join Jeff and Hannah as they discuss the stakeholder engagement process. Learn how industry stakeholders were recruited and strategies developed to support organics management in Iowa.

Sonya Betker & Jana Suriano: A Tale of Twin Cities: State of Residential Organics Collection in MN

Minnesota’s legislation has driven significant progress in organics diversion. St. Paul and Minneapolis both have curbside organics collection programs. However, the programs use different methods. This presentation will explore how these programs have developed and progressed. It will also share insights into a Minnesota county’s evaluation of environmental and cost impacts for various curbside methods.

  • Meet the Presenters

Sonya Betker is a Zero Waste and Sustainability expert with 20 years of experience. She is a TRUE Advisor and Sustainable Excellence Associate Professional. Sonya helps clients implement resource management and waste reduction practices to minimize waste.

Jana Suriano is a Project Professional at SCS Engineers. Her experience includes recycling, waste diversion, organics recovery, waste characterization, and sustainable materials management.

Join Sonya and Jana as they explore Minnesota’s residential organics programs. Learn how different curbside methods are evaluated for environmental and cost impacts.

Posted by Brianna Morgan at 2:39 pm

October 31, 2023

SCS Engineers is a Silver Sponsor of the 2024 Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells, February 28-March 1.

WIRMC is a great local opportunity for continuing education and networking opportunities. The conference offers a great mix of technical discussion, emerging technologies, practices, and networking with other industry professionals, such as SCS Engineers (visit us at Booth 41).

AROW-Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin, SWANA-Solid Waste Association of North America, and WCSWMA-Wisconsin Counties Solid Waste Management Association jointly host the statewide conference.

Look for this highlight session featuring SCS Project Manager Chris Jimieson:

Track Session II, Thursday, February 29 (2:30 pm)

Chris Jimieson co-presenting “Engaging New Strategies and New Audiences to Increase Waste Reduction” with Samantha Worden of Sustain Dane and Baltazar De Anda Santana of Latino Academy of Workforce Development, Inc.

wisconsin integrated resource management conference
Recovering recyclables

This session covers environmental equity, recovery of more recyclables, composting education and outreach, waste reduction/zero waste in recycling, and recycling education. Active participation and engagement in waste reduction efforts increase recycling. Three projects highlight the role of engaging education strategies, workshops, and community events in empowering Latinx, school, and neighborhood communities. Learn how the tools and behavioral communications strategies can be replicated in your waste reduction efforts, spreading the ripple effect of impact.

There’s plenty more on the Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference agenda! Check here for the latest.




Posted by Laura Dorn at 10:37 am