Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference

October 31, 2023

SCS Engineers is a Silver Sponsor of the 2024 Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells, February 28-March 1.

WIRMC is a great local opportunity for continuing education and networking opportunities. The conference offers a great mix of technical discussion, emerging technologies, practices, and networking with other industry professionals, such as SCS Engineers (visit us at Booth 41).

AROW-Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin, SWANA-Solid Waste Association of North America, and WCSWMA-Wisconsin Counties Solid Waste Management Association jointly host the statewide conference.

Look for this highlight session featuring SCS Project Manager Chris Jimieson:

Track Session II, Thursday, February 29 (2:30 pm)

Chris Jimieson co-presenting “Engaging New Strategies and New Audiences to Increase Waste Reduction” with Samantha Worden of Sustain Dane and Baltazar De Anda Santana of Latino Academy of Workforce Development, Inc.

wisconsin integrated resource management conference
Recovering recyclables

This session covers environmental equity, recovery of more recyclables, composting education and outreach, waste reduction/zero waste in recycling, and recycling education. Active participation and engagement in waste reduction efforts increase recycling. Three projects highlight the role of engaging education strategies, workshops, and community events in empowering Latinx, school, and neighborhood communities. Learn how the tools and behavioral communications strategies can be replicated in your waste reduction efforts, spreading the ripple effect of impact.

There’s plenty more on the Wisconsin Integrated Resource Management Conference agenda! Check here for the latest.




Posted by Laura Dorn at 10:37 am