An informative and complete discussion from Jeffrey L. Pierce of SCS Engineers, Energy Practice of siloxanes and landfill gas (LFG) utilization, plus presentations on the economics and siloxane removal from biogas.
More presentations by Jeffrey L. Pierce:
Siloxanes in Landfill and Digester Gas Update
27th Annual SWANA LFG Symposium, March 2004
Siloxane levels vary greatly from one landfill to another. While there seems to be some relationship to waste age, higher waste ages do not guarantee lower siloxane levels.
Siloxane Sampling, Analysis and Data Reporting Recommendations on Standardization for the Biogas Utilization Industry
14th Annual EPA LMOP Conference and Project Expo, January, 2011
Performance and Economics of Currently Available Technologies for Removal of Siloxane from Biogas
SWANA WasteCon, August, 2010