SONOMA, Calif. – The County of Sonoma selected SCS Engineers as the engineer-of-record for the proposed expansion of the County’s Central Disposal Site. The expansion will add 9,000,000 cubic yards of solid waste disposal capacity, increasing the life of the site by decades. Working in support of Republic Services, SCS provides landfill engineering and permitting services for the expansion. The firm’s scope of work included the preparation of a Joint Technical Document, a preliminary closure plan, a post-closure maintenance plan, application for the revised Waste Discharge Requirements, as well as the necessary updates to the solid waste facility permit, the notice of intent and General Permit for storm water management. All major facility permits for the expansion have been granted by the oversight agencies.
SCS also developed plans, specifications and cost estimates for the foundation excavation, the installation of a dual-composite base liner system, drainage improvements, and an update to the landfill gas system. SCS’s onsite team currently operates and maintains the landfill gas extraction and leachate control systems.
“This expansion will extend the lifespan of the County’s Central Landfill for about 20 years,” said Susan Klassen, Sonoma County Director of Public Works and Transportation. “SCS’s engineering expertise will be critical in developing and implementing the most efficient plan for the site, as well as in preparing all the necessary documentation and permitting.”