Whitney Stackhouse is a Project Manager for SCS Field Services with over a decade of experience in the groundwater and geologic fields. She provides coordination, quality control and support services for groundwater, landfill environmental compliance and Landfill Methane Rule (LMR) surface emissions monitoring and reporting, as well as maintaining and testing landfill gas (LFG), groundwater, and leachate collection systems.
Additional experience includes management of RCRA and CERCLA regulated industrial facilities and Voluntary Cleanup Program sites, including wood treatment facilities, plating operations, plastics manufacturers, coke and tar plants, chemical manufacturing plants, and fuel blending operations. He supervised and provided engineering and regulatory recommendations for the characterization, remediation, and ongoing monitoring of historical releases. Worked with EPA Region 4 representatives, consultants, and stakeholders to develop characterization plans, risk assessments, pilot studies, remediation plans and performance standards.