Nearly 90 fixed sequential programmable tracer samplers were deployed throughout the San Joaquin Valley to document plume movement from simultaneous PFC tracer releases from Stockton, Fresno, and Bakersfield. Plume movement was monitored over a four-day period within the SJV region. Some plume impacts were detected over 300 kilometers from their respective sources.
Transport of Acidic Air Pollutants (TAAPs) to Forests and Alpine Regions if the Sierra Nevada – California Air Resources Board
Concurrent to the SJVAQS tracer releases, a network of approximately 35 stationary time integrating samplers were deployed in the Sierra Nevada regions to document regional plume impact from San Joaquin Valley cities on upper Sierra locations. Impacts were studied over a four-day transport period.
Upper Sacramento Valley Air Quality Study – Sacramento Council of Governments
Tracer releases were conducted from the Bay Area of San Francisco, and plume movement into the upper Sacramento Valley region was studied. This study was performed in conjunction with the SJVAQS project described above.