CD Debris Disposal – Multiplex Theater Deconstruction Project, Lakewood, California

SCS Engineers C&D debris
SCS assisted in successfully diverting 97% of the C&D materials generated during the deconstruction of a multiplex theater.

SCS Engineers developed a comprehensive deconstruction analysis and a materials management plan for the deconstruction of the Pacific Regency Theater, originally built in 1990 to seat 2,200 people.

In addition, SCS prepared an in-depth study to support Lakewood’s then-pending C&D Debris Ordinance. The evaluation of the project provided valuable information and a guide for successful diversion practices of all feasibly recyclable and reusable materials. Tasks included:

  • deconstruction analysis
  • C&D materials management plan
  • project monitoring and evaluation
  • resource database

SCS was directly responsible for all of the above activities and served as liaison between engineers, contractors, subcontractors and architects. Of the 14,000 tons of waste generated at the site, 13,400 tons were diverted – a very successful 97 percent.

Some of the unusual items diverted were 2,200 theater seats, 500 pounds of drapes and 59 palm trees. Still, we completed deconstruction in only five weeks.