Clean Air Act – Air Permitting and Compliance Services for the U.S. Coast Guard, Baltimore, Maryland

scs clean air act project coast guardSCS Engineers has provided air-permit compliance assistance, permitting and reporting for the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Yard in Baltimore for several years. These services require understanding and experience regarding Title V and NSPS reporting requirements in Maryland and EPA Region III.

SCS prepares the following annual and other periodic reports:

  • Six-Month Title V Report of Required Monitoring
  • Annual Title V Compliance Certifications
  • Annual Emission Certification Reports prepared in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). SCS identifies the various sources at the site which require reporting, and calculates emissions based on data provided by USCG facility personnel, following MDE and EPA guidelines
  • Air Toxics Certification Report, prepared in accordance with guidelines set forth by the MDE. SCS identifies the various sources at the site which require reporting, and calculates toxic pollutant emissions based on data provided by USCG facility personnel, following MDE and EPA guidelines
  • Semi-Annual Boiler SOx Emissions Report required per 40 CFR 60.48c under the EPA’s New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units. The Reports included information required by the NSPS relative to emissions of sulfur oxides from the two vapor power international steam generators at the facility, including (but not limited to): 30-day average SO2 emission rates or 30-day average sulfur content for the period, 30-day average percent of potential SO2 emission rates during the period, fuel certifications and various other emissions information and data for the period
  • Permitting and General Consulting. SCS prepares air permit applications and related submittals, including Title V air operating permit application, for the facility. SCS also provided general air consulting services, as needed, including applicability of new regulations, consulting for the third-party operated power plant at the facility, consulting on MDE air inspections and audits, and other related services

Highlights of our services to the Coast Guard’s Baltimore yard have included:

  • Landfill Gas Engineering
  • Title V Reporting
  • Emissions Certification
  • Air Toxics Certification
SCS Address

Corporate Headquarters

3900 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 300
Long Beach, CA 90806


1 (800) 767-4727
1 (562) 427-0805 | FAX
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