SCS was retained by Cityscape Residential, LLC, to provide Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) services for the development of apartments in two areas in the historic Quality Hill neighborhood. The area is located on a scenic bluff overlooking the Missouri River, and the apartment developments will add 390 units to the Kansas City downtown housing market. The City granted a 25-year property abatement on the value of the new construction to stimulate development in this historic area.
Work performed by SCS included four Phase I ESAs on properties consisting of eight to 32 historical addresses. The Quality Hill area has been developed since Kansas City was settled in the 1850s, and multiple cleaners, auto and body repair shops, and filling stations, along with a variety of other enterprises, were identified on or adjoining the properties. Two Phase II ESAs have been conducted to evaluate potential impacts from former property uses. Fortunately, no evidence of impacts from such uses were identified. Construction of the apartments is planned to begin in 2015.