SCS Engineers has provided a variety of hazardous waste facility engineering support services for a confidential client at two of its fertilizer manufacturing sites under a long-term contract. The main areas of support have been preparation of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part B permit applications and implementation of numerous closure plans. Five closure plans were prepared for different hazardous waste management units, and they were implemented and certified upon approval from the state.
Site A. Two closure plans were prepared by SCS: one for an outdoor waste pile facility and one for an indoor tank mixing facility. Both plans were approved by the state. The assessment resulted in the excavation of the building which housed the tank and the concrete slab that was used for the waste piles. Significant volumes of contaminated soil were also excavated.
Services provided by SCS Engineers included:
• Site sampling
• Analysis
• Statistical evaluation
Site B. Three closure plans were prepared by SCS for the following:
• Indoor waste pile area
• Outdoor temporary waste unloading area
• Waste storage and processing area
The closure plans were approved, implemented and certified. The plan for the waste storage and processing area was prepared as a component of the facility Part B permit application and has been reviewed by and is on file with the state.