SCS Engineers was retained to develop construction documents, first for Phase 1, then for Phase 2, for a landfill in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
SCS worked closely with Shenandoah County to evaluate alternate cell configurations – including volume and cost estimates – in order to optimize the size for the first cell. After optimizing the cell size, SCS prepared construction bid documents and provided assistance during the bidding phase.
SCS provided resident engineering and construction quality assurance (CQA) during the construction of Phase 1 and Phase 2. We assisted the county with planning for future cells by computing volume estimates for development and performing closure cost estimating to meet their financial assurance requirements.
The project’s aspects included:
Construction Engineering Services
Cell Closure Engineering
SCS developed a work plan to test, monitor and ultimately certify closure of Cell 8. We provided field observation and testing during clay cap construction by county forces. Tasks included:
Landfill Gas
SCS performed NSPS Tier 2 LFG sampling, laboratory analysis, and reporting. SCS also has provided consulting services to the County regarding Title V compliance and LFG energy utilization. In 2010, SCS prepared the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule Compliance Report and a Landfill Odor Management Plan for Submission to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
Major Permit Amendment
SCS prepared a major permit amendment for the Shenandoah County Landfill to increase the side slopes of the landfill from 4H:1V to 3H:1V, which added approximately 1,400,000 cubic yards of airspace and 14 years of useful life to the landfill. The amendment included provisions for leachate recirculation, which involved modeling of future leachate flows as the landfill expands to 35 acres in nine cells.