Solid Waste Planning – War Memorial and Performing Arts Center Diversion Program, San Francisco, California

diversion program for the San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Center
SCS designed and implemented a comprehensive diversion program for the San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Center.

SCS Engineers was awarded a grant from the City and County of San Francisco to design and implement a comprehensive diversion program for the San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center. Tasks involved:

  • developing a comprehensive diversion program
  • educating in-house, contracted and Performing Arts staff regarding recycling procedures
  • overseeing all recycling program elements, including employee training, coordination of the proper flow of waste, developing waste diversion database, public education outreach and promotional material production

The San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Center already had an informal recycling program at the various Performing Arts facilities. Recommendations for improvement included developing a consistent program, purchasing equipment, training staff regarding recycling procedures and implementing a formal diversion program.

Designing and implementing a comprehensive diversion program were successful throughout these facilities. The recycling program was incorporated in March 2004. The San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center has already seen a reduction in disposal costs without any increase in labor.