Waste Characterization – New Base-Year Study, Department of Public Works, Los Angeles County, California

Department of Public Works, Los Angeles County, California

SCS Engineers is the lead contractor for Los Angeles County’s 2005 and 2006 base-year study project. This two-year effort includes a waste generation study for each year that will be used to identify existing diversion and disposal within the unincorporated portions of the County, as well as potential diversion and waste minimization opportunities for future program planning.

SCS is directly responsible for the following elements of the project:

Contract / Project Management

Project Plan and Preliminary Report

Thrift Goods Study

Survey of the largest regional stores to obtain the total quantity diverted from landfill disposal.

Hauler Survey

Identify waste diversion programs being offered or implemented and total tonnage by material type diverted by each type of program and attributed to the County.

Government Facilities

Identify and survey all non-County governmental agencies located within the unincorporated areas of the County regarding their existing and planned solid waste diversion programs and practices.

Construction and Demolition (C&D) Materials

Identify the quantities of C&D materials that are diverted in the County on a regular basis by solid waste and inert landfills, C&D recyclers and processors, concrete crushing and manufacturing plants, and asphalt concrete crushing and manufacturing plants.

Transfer Stations and MRF

Document the diversion of wastes at transfer stations, recycling facilities and MRFs that originates from the County unincorporated areas

Food Services

Survey the largest food waste diversion activities by food banks, markets, and other charitable organizations, as well as rendering companies, food manufacturing and processing and/or composting

Special Waste

Survey facilities that recycle materials such as tires, scrap metal and electronic waste

Preparation of certification forms for 2005 and 2006

Preparation of report for 2005 and 2006