Fabricated Geomembrane Institute

January 27, 2023

SPECIAL SESSION: Panel Discussion – How to Write a Good Geomembrane Spec 
Organized by: FGI
Tuesday, Feb. 7th 1:30 – 3:00 pm

Join Panelists: Edward Silva, Ray Peebles, Neil Nowak, and Patrick Elliott with Moderator Timothy Stark leading this discussion on the importance of writing a good geomembrane specification and not using an old specification that may or may not be for the type of geomembrane intended for the current project. In particular, the panelists will discuss the most important parameters of a geomembrane specification for a particular application, such as functionality, longevity, and constructability.

Some of the important parameters to consider when preparing a specification may include: chemical resistance, ability to accommodate differential settlement, dimensional stability to control wrinkles, ability to factory fabricate large panels to reduce field time and exposure, and seam strengths but properties should be keyed to the application of the geomembrane. For example, if there are concerns about subgrade compaction, specifying a material with higher multiaxial elongation properties may be desirable.

It is also important that engineers understand that most material types can have very different properties, and it is important that designers select an appropriate geomembrane to meet project requirements. This will help avoid confusion or blended specifications. Finally, the importance of specifying relevant and consistent properties, e.g., long-term durability in terms of plasticizer retention instead of OIT values for a PVC geomembrane. Afterward, the panelists will answer your questions about writing a good geomembrane specification.



Posted by Diane Samuels at 8:43 am

January 12, 2022

neil nowak

The Fabricated Geomembrane Institute – FGI, discusses allowable leakage rates for industry. We strive for zero leakage and it is possible – this mix of regulators and practitioners including Neil Nowak of SCS Engineers discuss how to achieve it.

Click here to start the video.

fabricated geomembrane institute






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am