
October 18, 2017

In this SCS blog, Ryan Duckett and Quinn Albertson share information about underutilized funding sources to help finance recycling, composting, collection and landfill systems improvements.

These grants often target rural areas that don’t necessarily have the support needed to catch up in today’s world of rapid technological advances. A quick Google search shows that at the national level, the USDA offers a Solid Waste Management Grant which may be applied to the cost of program improvements such as landfill evaluations, technical assistance, or training. For this particular grant, any local government, academic institution, or nonprofit servicing an area with fewer than 10,000 people may apply.

This type of funding presents an opportunity for SCS to help address clients’ financial burdens. Awareness of the grants available is a common obstacle, but with some region-specific research, potential project identification, guidance and assistance with grant funding SCS can enhance your arsenal of services.

Here are some places to look for funding:

  • USDA Waste Management Grants
  • State Environmental Agencies – VT, PA, NC, ND, and CA departments all have programs, to name a few
  • Solid Waste Management Districts/Councils
  • Non-profit organizations – e.g., the Colorado Association for Recycling
  • Private companies – Coca-Cola

Contact the authors if you have questions: Ryan Duckett and Quinn Albertson, we’re always happy to help.



Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am