Iowa Department of Natural Resources

September 27, 2022

iowa waste systems


Upcoming presentations at the Iowa Recycling and Solid Waste Management Conference on October 4:

SCS Engineers (SCS) was retained by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to assist in performing research, facilitating stakeholder and subcommittee meetings, and coordinating project meetings to explore and develop potential strategies that would help transition Iowa to a sustainable materials management (SMM) system approach. The firm was also retained to perform a waste characterization study at ten landfills across Iowa during the summer of 2022, focusing on how we can best use resources to their highest and best values.

SCS Engineers will be presenting on these topics during the welcoming events on Tuesday, October 4, starting at 8:00 am, following the Iowa DNR update. Christine Collier, P.E., will discuss work with a stakeholder group and four subcommittees to identify potential SMM strategies that focus on the four primary material categories: Construction and Demolition Debris; Organics and Fibers; Plastics; and Renewable Energy Equipment.

Hannah Sperfslage and Jeff Phillips will discuss the waste characterization study evaluating the composition of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated from residential, industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) sectors and the visual characterization of construction and demolition debris (C&D). The results will help the DNR and solid waste planning agencies measure progress in obtaining waste reduction and recycling goals. They will be the basis for implementing new programs and policies.

Learn more and register for the Iowa Recycling and Solid Waste Management Conference.



Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am