RNG Archives

December 14, 2020

SCS Energy: Landfill Methane to Renewable Natural Gas, 5.1 Million Gas Gallon Equivalents of RNG Annually

The New River RNG facility will capture and convert approximately 1,900 dekatherms per day of landfill methane to renewable natural gas (RNG), which is enough to offset emissions from 7,500 … Continue reading SCS Energy: Landfill Methane to Renewable Natural Gas, 5.1 Million Gas Gallon Equivalents ...

November 16, 2018

SCS Energy: LFG to Pipeline RNG Plant in Texas

Skyline RNG Project SCS is designing a 5,000 scfm inlet capacity LFG-to-pipeline renewable natural gas (RNG) plant, located at the Skyline Landfill in Ferris, Texas. SCS will also provide assistance … Continue reading SCS Energy: LFG to Pipeline RNG Plant in Texas

April 19, 2015

SCS Energy: LFG to RNG Operations-Maintenance in Texas

McCommas Bluff Gas Plant The McCommas Bluff Gas Plant is located at the McCommas Bluff Landfill in Dallas, Texas. It converts LFG to RNG for injection into a pipeline owned … Continue reading SCS Energy: LFG to RNG Operations-Maintenance in Texas

April 19, 2015

SCS Energy: Digester Gas Methanization, La Farfana and Metrogas in Chile

Aguas Andinas’s La Farfana Wastewater Treatment Plant near Santiago, Chile Metrogas, the owner of the plant, is the chief natural gas distribution company in Chile. Metrogas launched commercial operation of … Continue reading SCS Energy: Digester Gas Methanization, La Farfana and Metrogas in Chile