Food Waste Prevention Program for Santa Clara County

May 7, 2019

A USDA study finds 21 percent of food purchased in the U.S. goes uneaten.

In the United States, 31 percent—or 133 billion pounds—of the 430 billion pounds of the available food supply at the retail and consumer levels in 2010 went uneaten. Retail-level losses represented 10 percent (43 billion pounds) and consumer-level losses 21 percent (90 billion pounds) of the available food supply.

“We’re excited to have SCS Engineers design a food waste prevention program that the individual cities will be able to bring to our residents,” said Lori Topley, Solid Waste Program Manager for the City of Mountain View. “Reducing food waste was recently identified by Project Drawdown ( as one of the top five solutions to reverse global warming.”

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Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:11 am