EPA’s MARC Brownfields Grant Guidance Releasing

September 12, 2022

SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting


On Friday, September 9, SCS attended a meeting with CCLR and the State of Arizona on Land Reuse Grants.  CCLR’s Ignacio Dayrit said that the guidance for EPA’s MARC Brownfields grants is expected to be released this week, opening the 60-day application period. If you plan to speak to any communities/non-profits about grant applications, now is the time to reach out to them.  EPA Brownfield grants are often a significant funding source for assessing and cleaning sites with potential environmental contamination. This year, historical funding levels from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) mean more grants and significantly larger awards, making it a good investment to apply.

Although this information is subject to change before the guidance is finalized, here are the anticipated funding details:

  • Multipurpose
    • Activities: inventory, assessment, cleanup and redevelopment planning for one or more sites
    • Ownership: applicant must own site(s) for cleanup
    • Funding: up to $1M
  • Assessment
    • Activities: inventory, environmental site assessments, community engagement, cleanup planning and cost estimates, market evaluation, infrastructure and land use assessment, site design, transportation and streetscape studies
    • Funding: Coalitions up to $1M; State-led up to $2M; Communitywide up to $500k
  • Revolving Loan Fund
    • Activities: provides loans and subgrants to carry out the cleanup of brownfields sites
    • Funding: up 10 $1M, match requirement waived for FY 23
  • Cleanup
    • Activities: site cleanup, reuse planning, community involvement, regulatory oversight fees
    • Ownership: applicant must own site(s)
    • Funding: up to $500k for one or more sites within one application and only one proposal per applicant per year


SCS Engineers has a successful track record supporting communities interested in land recycling and obtaining EPA MARC Brownfields grants. Please visit our website for more information.






Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am