What do General Mills, Purdue, and Southern States have in common?

October 23, 2017

They all use permitted grain elevators. According to Reuters, in 2017, the United States had 25 billion US bushels of storage capacity, a growth of 25% in the previous decade. Reuters Business News, April 11, 2017. There are a myriad of safety and permitting requirements for grain elevators; this article lists a few in Wisconsin.

Securing the proper air permits helps safeguard these facilities against the legal, financial, and reputational risks of non-compliance. The air permitting process can be complicated, but there are tools and people that can help.

Environmental engineering firms help guide companies through the process and offer direct support. States provide tools and support such as the self-serve tools on the WDNR website, for example, to help determine what level of permitting is applicable too. These State environmental sites provide the necessary permitting forms and backup calculations specific to the type of permit your facility may need to apply for. You may be able to submit an application online, and a certified engineer can do that for you as part of a permitting plan.

If you find the sites and requirements perplexing, ask a qualified environmental engineer to help. SCS Engineers professionals are recognized for their environmental permitting knowledge and are available to answer questions.

Learn more about air-permitting in Wisconsin or contact one of SCS Engineers’ local offices in a region near your facility.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am