Meet SCS Engineers Senior Project Manager Fangmei Zhang

March 13, 2018

From Remote Chinese Village to Thriving Miami Practice, SCS Senior PM Finds That Hard Work, Determination, and Giving Back are Keys to Success

Fangmei Zhang
Fangmei Zhang – Senior Project Manager at SCS Miami

Fangmei Zhang, P.E., PhD, is a Senior Project Manager in the Miami Office of the Southeast Region. She has 13 years of experience in the environmental and civil engineering field, with 7 years at SCS Engineers. Fangmei received her Bachelor of Science degree from Southeast University (China), her Master from Tongji University (China), and PhD from Case Western Reserve University (Ohio), all in Environmental Engineering.

At SCS, Fangmei manages assessment, remediation, and redevelopment projects for some of our largest clients. Fangmei is also a founding member of the SCS Technical Advisory Group, a newly created group of staff who serve as technical advisors on environmental projects. She also leads the region’s Environmental Services Technical Committee. The intent of this committee, which is comprised of a group of environmental leaders through the region, is to foster a forum for the identification, evaluation, and implementation of new and emerging technologies to enhance technical excellence and to facilitate SCS’s growth as a leader in the environmental engineering and consulting field. Fangmei is also a founding member of the Southeast Region’s SCS Women, a group recently created to provide mentorship and support to empower women to achieve career and personal success.

Fangmei was born in a remote village in east-central China. Growing up in the countryside, Fangmei has unforgettable memories of being close to nature. As a child, she learned how to plant rice in rice paddies, to work with cotton and hem fields, and to plant vegetables. She picked wild vegetables to feed pigs and collected chicken droppings to use as organic fertilizer using tools hand-made from bamboo sticks and river mussel shells. The country life she enjoyed as a child forged her love of nature.

Fangmei also loved going to school. At the time, she was the only girl who attended the village school, and she walked several miles each day to earn her education. After the fifth grade, she continued her education in Jingzhou, Hubei province, where schools were more competitive and provided better prospects for going to college. Eventually, she completed her BS and MS in China. In 2001, she came to the United States for further study, partly because environmental engineering in China did not yet address soil or groundwater contamination. She received her PhD in 2006 with research focusing on bioremediation.

Fangmei chose to come to the U.S. to study because she also loves to travel and see the world. She enjoys traveling to new places and learning about different cultures. She also loves visiting botanical gardens and farms. During her trip to Laos two years ago, she saw poor villages and little girls running around without shoes in the countryside, and it reminded her of her own childhood. Influenced by a friend and her experiences, Fangmei has provided financial support and assisted in other fundraising to help build schools in the villages in Laos and Cambodia, with the hope of providing these children with opportunities for a better future.

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Posted by Diane Samuels at 10:45 am