PPP Helps Build and Run C&D Facility Colocated with a Landfill

October 25, 2018

Thanks to those of you who joined SCS Engineers at the Iowa Recycling & Solid Waste Management Conference during our presentation on Dane County, Wisconsin’s successful construction and demolition (C&D) waste processing facility.

We’ve posted our C&D facility presentation online in a short video format.

For those who missed it, here is a quick recap of what helped make the facility a success. Dane County converted a C&D transfer station located at their landfill property into a fully operational C&D processing facility. A public-private partnership makes C&D recycling a more economically viable endeavor, by leveraging strengths among the public and private entities.

  • Dane County
    o Funded the capital project
    o Provided an existing customer base
    o Provided a site location
  • Landfill Reduction & Recycling (LRR)
    o Operates the facility, including staffing and operation
    o Markets the end products (as a private entity, LRR has more flexibility to adjust pricing for the end products)

With a pricing structure that creates a strong incentive for LRR to recycle, more C&D is beneficially reused, and the County extends the life of its landfill.

SCS supported the County in this award-winning project by managing the design and construction of the facility. Want to discuss your C&D operations? Contact your SCS Engineers representative today, or visit our website that includes this and other case studies, whitepapers, articles, and events.

Thank you to the Iowa Recycling Association and Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations for sponsoring another valuable conference. See you next year!



Posted by Diane Samuels at 11:48 am