In her recent article, SCS Project Director Sonya Betker, a TRUE Advisor discusses how reframing what we waste as a resource, and capturing its embodied energy and resources as feedstock for new products is helping North America transition to a circular economy.
Efficiencies of the transition are created with circularity centers that extend the life of landfills and serve the surrounding communities. The waste industry is moving into a more sustainable, circular future and helping to educate the public to help adapt their behaviors and thinking. Many businesses are making the transition too, including manufacturers and the food and beverage industries among others.
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Meet the Author: Ms. Betker is a Zero Waste Professional with almost two decades of successful experience driving regional, national, and global sustainability and circular economy programs for public and private clients. She takes a whole systems approach to lead and develop strategic sustainability programs. A lifelong learner, skilled at maximizing partnerships to follow efficient sustainability programs, Sonya has a proven track record driving sustainability vertical and building the business case to highlight potential revenue gains and cost savings with buy-in to sustainability.
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