Thirty-four senators and 171 representatives argue in a brief filed February 23, that the EPA overstepped its boundaries in creating the carbon-cutting Clean Power Plan. In short, the brief states that they feel that Congress never gave the EPA a clear statutory directive or authority to transform the nation’s electricity sector. The brief points out that the EPA seeks to make “decisions of vast economic and political significance” under a “long-extant statute,” and in doing so must point to a “clear statement from Congress.”
Yesterday’s brief comes just two weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the EPA cannot begin enforcing the rule until legal challenges filed by 25 states and four state agencies are resolved.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on the merits of the states’ case on June 2.
With the brief it is clear that the Clean Power Plan is not only facing legal challenges but also political ones. It may be left for the next Administration to pick up this pieces and decide the fate of the Plan.
Technical bulletins provide salient information in a condensed format. These summaries are useful to understand and start to plan for potential impacts to your business. Both bulletins posted today include deadlines and additional resources with contact information to help answer your questions. The two bulletins posted today are as follows:
Summary of the Clean Power Plan includes the final standards for new and existing Electric Utility Generating Units (EGUs). The Technical Bulletin reviews the U.S. EPA determination that the best system of emission reduction (BSER) consists of three building blocks; how the EPA determines the degree of emission limitation achievable through the application of the BSER for each type of unit; and how quickly and to what extent the measures encompassed by the building blocks could be used to reduce emissions. States will be required to submit a final plan, or an initial submittal with an extension request, by September 6, 2016. The types of plans and cost-effective strategies suggested for states to tailor their plans to meet their respective energy, environmental, and economic needs and goals, and those of their local communities is in the final sections.
Summary of Proposed Oil and Gas NSPSU.S. EPA promulgated an amended Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution (NSPS). Specifically, EPA proposed amendments to 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 60, Subpart OOOO and proposed an entirely new Subpart OOOOa. EPA also promulgated a draft control technique guidelines (CTGs) document for the oil and natural gas industry. The CTG is intended to provide state, local and tribal air agencies with information to assist them in determining reasonably available control technology (RACT) for reducing volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from select oil and natural gas industry emission sources in ozone nonattainment areas. Comments on the proposal are due November 17, 2015, and the final rules are slated to be promulgated in June 2016. Rule details are provided in the Technical Bulletin and table within the Technical Bulletin.
Clicking the title of each Technical Bulletin will take you to the full text. Each Bulletin may be shared, emailed, or printed.
About Pat Sullivan:
Pat Sullivan, BCES, CPP, REPA, is a Senior Vice President of SCS Engineers and our National Expert on the Landfill Clean Air Act and the New Source Performance Standard (NSPS). Mr. Sullivan has over 25 years of environmental engineering experience, specializing in solid and hazardous waste-related issues.
Click on Pat’s name to see his full qualifications and experience.