environmental justice

November 7, 2024

Join SCS Engineers at the A&WMA Environmental Justice Conference! Mark your calendars for December 4–5, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare for an impactful conference on environmental justice hosted by the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA). SCS Engineers’ Jose Landeros and Sergio Valenzuela will present on Imperial County AB617: North End Communities. The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) has become a model for Assembly Bill 617, demonstrating how collaborative efforts in environmental justice can address complex air quality challenges, including pollution from agricultural, industrial, and cross-border sources. This conference is a unique opportunity to engage with local experts and explore solutions across scientific, legal, regulatory, policy, and communication domains, empowering professionals to address pressing environmental justice issues. Don’t miss it! Register now.

Posted by Brianna Morgan at 9:20 am

August 16, 2024

Join SCS Engineers at the 2024 Illinois Manufacturers’ Association Environment & Energy Conference. The event will be held October 22 at the Tinley Park Convention Center in Tinley Park, IL. This event is great for Illinois manufacturers to gain critical insights from state environmental and energy experts. Designed for CEOs, plant managers, safety officers, legal teams, and environmental professionals, this one-day program will delve into compliance, regulations, permitting, sustainability, and future legislative developments. Attendees will hear directly from state officials, regulators, and industry leaders on the most pressing environmental and energy-related issues.

As a proud Lunch Sponsor, SCS Engineers invites you to visit our booth to discuss your environmental compliance challenges and explore solutions tailored to your upcoming needs. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with our experts on site! Register today.

Posted by Brianna Morgan at 9:46 am

April 5, 2024

Carolinas Air Pollution Control Association (CAPCA) is hosting its 2024 Spring Meeting at the historic Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina. CAPCA is a forum for over 600 members to share perspectives on air pollution control across the Carolinas.  This year’s Spring Meeting features updates on regulations and enforcement, specialty workshops on testing and monitoring procedures, door prizes, and giveaways. This year’s exhibitor social, “The Great Outdoors,” invites attendees to wear their favorite gear for a fun gathering with fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

The event is open to CAPCA members and their guests. Register onsite!


Posted by Brianna Morgan at 9:24 am

January 9, 2024

Meet SCS Engineers professionals at the Environmental Bankers Association’s 2024 Annual Conference February 6-8 at the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa in San Diego.

SCS Engineers - St. Louis Region
Rachel McShane .

SCS Project Director, Rachel McShane, along with Charlette Clark of AEI Consultants, will provide an introduction to Environmental Justice, including a brief history, screening tool, and case study (Session 2, Tuesday, February 6, 10:30-11:00 am).

The conference features networking opportunities, exhibitors, and numerous educational sessions.

Click for more details and registration information


We hope to see you there!




Posted by Laura Dorn at 5:46 pm

September 22, 2023

SCS Engineers is a Bronze Sponsor at the upcoming Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing (SCANPH) Conference in Pasadena. Join our Environmental Professionals at our display table #28 at the Pasadena Convention Center on November 1st. This annual event represents 35 years of building together: Building our industry’s capacity and building impact in our communities.

Join our Environmental Professionals at Display Table #28. Talk with Ashley Hutchens and Tyler Watkins, about your environmental challenges!

We hope to see you there!

Click for SCANPH Annual Conference details and registration.



Posted by Laura Dorn at 11:41 am

September 19, 2023

We’ll see you at CALRC, sponsored by the CCLR, in conjunction with the EPA and DTSC.



It’s time for the California Land Recycling Conference (CALRC) in Carson, California, September 26-28. The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) is hosting the conference, and this year’s event theme is “People, Partnerships, Progress.”

SCS Engineers is exceptionally proud of our relationship with CCLR and of our clients who are winning Phoenix, EBJ, and other awards for their valuable contributions to their communities across all 50 states.


Environmental Justice

Achieving environmental justice means taking a sustainable, holistic approach to site remediation and land recycling.  One that meets each party’s social, environmental, and economic goals. These experts can help; they’ve been in the business of sustainability for decades and are always open to knowledge sharing about funding, permitting, and remediation processes that will keep your project on track.


Headline Presentations

Michael McLaughlinShould it Stay or Should it Go? In-situ vs. Ex-situ Solutions with Michael McLaughlin of SCS Engineers, Senior Vice President of Environmental Services and National Specialist on Brownfields & Landfill Redevelopment
Tuesday, September 26th at 3:15 PM in the Community Hall Section A

With numerous approaches and examples of pilot studies, innovative technologies, and work done to execute alternatives to excavation, this session will help you overcome the practical challenges of sustainable remediation. With an overview of conducting pilot tests and examples of innovative technologies, this session will help project managers and site owners take the next steps in bringing sustainable solutions to clean up contaminated sites and answer the question, can in-situ technologies be used to avoid costly excavation and disposal?


Jim RitchieGetting to the Finish Line: Navigating Projects Through the Water Board Process with Jim Ritchie, Vice President, SCS Engineers.
Wednesday, September 27th at 10:30 am  in the Community Hall Section A

We aim to get your remediation or brownfields project done sustainably, meeting economic and environmental goals such as the mission of the Water Boards to preserve the quality of California’s water resources and drinking water to protect the environment, public health, and beneficial uses. Join Jim and company to learn the best practices.


Gather more information or register for CALRC.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

September 5, 2023

We’ll see you at CALRC, sponsored by the CCLR, in conjunction with the EPA and DTSC.


It’s time for the California Land Recycling Conference (CALRC) in Carson, California, September 26-28. The Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR) is hosting the conference, and this year’s event theme is “People, Partnerships, Progress.” SCS Engineers is a Visionary Sponsor and will have our experts presenting at the conference and discussing best practices for those in California and nationwide. Please stop by our booth to discuss the various land recycling possibilities for your site, funding, and permitting.

We are exceptionally proud of our relationship with CCLR and our clients who are winning Phoenix, EBJ, and other awards for their valuable contributions to their communities across all 50 states.

Achieving environmental justice means taking a sustainable, holistic approach to site remediation and land recycling.  One that meets each party’s social, environmental, and economic goals. These experts can help; they’ve been in the business of sustainability for decades and are always open to knowledge sharing about funding, permitting, and remediation processes that will keep your project on track.


Michael McLaughlinShould it Stay or Should it Go? In-situ vs. Ex-situ Solutions with Michael McLaughlin of SCS Engineers, Senior Vice President of Environmental Services and National Specialist on Brownfields & Landfill Redevelopment
Tuesday, September 26th at 3:15 PM in the Community Hall Section A

With numerous approaches and examples of pilot studies, innovative technologies, and work done to execute alternatives to excavation, this session will help you overcome the practical challenges of sustainable remediation. With an overview of conducting pilot tests and examples of innovative technologies, this session will help project managers and site owners take the next steps in bringing sustainable solutions to clean up contaminated sites and answer the question, can in-situ technologies be used to avoid costly excavation and disposal?


Jim RitchieGetting to the Finish Line: Navigating Projects Through the Water Board Process with Jim Ritchie, Vice President, SCS Engineers.
Wednesday, September 27th at 10:30 am  in the Community Hall Section A

We aim to get your remediation or brownfields project done sustainably, meeting economic and environmental goals such as the mission of the Water Boards to preserve the quality of California’s water resources and drinking water to protect the environment, public health, and beneficial uses. Join Jim and company to learn the best practices.


Get more information or register for the California Land Recycling Conference.





Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

August 30, 2023

environmental justice on brownfields projects - scs engineers
The next major brownfields conference is in California in September. Sponsored by CCLR, EPA, and DTSC.


This year’s National Brownfields Conference in Detroit, Michigan, was notable. The evening before the conference began, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) hosted an ‘Environmental Justice’ caucus in which over 150 people from both the public and private sectors came together to learn more about what Environmental Justice is and how it informs our work in economic development efforts.

USEPA defines Environmental Justice (often called ‘EJ’) as “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.” We’ll achieve this goal when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment to live, learn, and work.

Distilled to its core, EJ is a call to action for all individuals and entities engaged in helping sustain and grow their communities. It posits that multiple demographics (including but not limited to people of color, inhabitants of rural areas, and people with less access to education and well-paying jobs) are disproportionately subject to harmful impacts from exposure to toxins and pollutants. Accordingly, it is incumbent upon those engaged with those populations to pay heed to find ways to mitigate or reduce those exposures.

EPA formally established the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights on October 6, 2022, and since that time, has engaged over 200 people across the agency to perform tasks specifically addressing EJ, including “processing grant applications from communities with environmental justice concerns, reaching out to residents to understand their concerns, and enforcing civil rights.” The EPA also established the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking (EJ TCGM) program in direct response to two Executive Orders issued by the Biden administration (EO 14008 and 13985) and will soon award ~$550 million to 11 distinct entities (which must be community-based nonprofits or partnerships between community-based nonprofits and either Tribal government or institutions of higher education) to spearhead more inclusive and easily accessible resources/support for communities seeking EPA funding to address EJ concerns.

EPA also established 16 technical assistance centers across the nation under the EJ Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program (EJ TCTAC), aimed at “providing technical assistance, training, and related support to communities with environmental justice concerns and their partners. The services provided will include training and assistance on writing grant proposals, navigating federal systems such as Grants.gov and SAM.gov, effectively managing grant funds, community engagement, meeting facilitation, and translation and interpretation services for limited English-speaking participants.”

Furthermore, the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act created the Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grant program in section 138 of the Clean Air Act (CAA). It provided EPA with $2.8 billion in grant funding for the program for projects to benefit communities with environmental justice concerns.

All told billions of dollars are currently available to communities that seek to spur environmental cleanup and revitalization efforts. SCS specializes in helping communities connect with this funding (even providing in-house Brownfields grant writing services) and has a proven track record of forming successful partnerships which result in timely and meaningful rejuvenation projects.

Two of the projects SCS teamed on this past year are awardees of the EPA’s prestigious 2023 Phoenix Award. The first of such projects, performed in EPA Region 6, involved the restoration of the historic First National Bank Building in downtown Oklahoma City, OK. This project created a mixed-use space, including apartments in the heart of the bustling business district, to help revive a struggling downtown and create jobs for residents. The second project, performed in EPA Region 9, provided affordable housing in San Diego, CA, and included upgrades to storm drains, water and sewer lines, underground powerlines, and streetscape improvements, significantly enhancing area infrastructure.

In both these projects and countless other projects performed under federal and state Brownfields programs, SCS is a trusted partner providing technical expertise and conscientious approaches to community engagement and planning that align with EJ protocols. SCS is a Foundational Member and Advisor of the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR), which aims to turn abandoned land into thriving spaces that serve communities meaningfully.

This year’s Brownfields Conference theme was “Sustainable Communities Start Here,” in sync with SCS’s long culture and mission of achieving sustainability through holistic processes. The most successful remediation projects are when all stakeholders have a voice and redevelopment efforts are thoughtfully, creatively, and deliberately planned and implemented.


Additional Resources:


Rachel McShaneAbout the Author: Rachel McShane, LEP, has over 15 years of experience in environmental due diligence projects (Phase I, II and III Environmental Site Assessments) as well as Brownfields redevelopment, risk-based corrective action, and remediation projects. She is also familiar with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental assessments, vapor investigations and mitigation, radon, asbestos, and lead based paint surveys, and leachate monitoring/solid waste management. You may reach her at or via LinkedIn.




Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

August 17, 2023

Meet SCS Engineers professionals at the National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo, November 7-8, at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.

The conference is produced by Carbon Capture Magazine to advance technology and policy within the carbon capture, utilization, & storage industry.

Elliott Candy at national carbon capture conferenceHear from SCS Senior Project Professional, Candy Elliott, presenting
Carbon Capture and Sequestration and Environmental Justice
[Wed, Nov 8, 9:00 – 10:30 am Session]

Abstract:  A critical part of any Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) project is identifying and addressing Environmental Justice concerns.  Class VI well permit applications require an Environmental Justice Review, yet there is little guidance on structure and content. While data and data sources are plentiful, a systematic approach to synthesizing and presenting those data has yet to be established. Consistently, questions arise including:  Which demographic information is applicable to the project? How do we present and compare data? How will the project affect current environmental concerns for the project area? How do we identify stakeholders and, once identified, how do we perform effective outreach? This presentation will provide both an overview of the EJ review process and examples of targeted, effective community outreach implemented in pending Class VI permit applications. Using these proven techniques can help achieve your permitting and construction goals while supporting your community.

We hope to see you there!  Early Bird registration ends October 18. 


Podcast Preview





Posted by Laura Dorn at 12:20 pm

July 18, 2023

Meet SCS Engineers Environmental Professionals at the AEHS Foundation’s 39th Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, and Energy, October 16-19, in Amherst, Massachusetts.  

This is AEHS’s “East Coast” environmental conference, and it brings together some 600-800 participants with diverse backgrounds, including representatives from state and federal agencies, environmental engineering firms, consulting companies, industry leaders, and esteemed academia — truly a gathering of the best and brightest minds in the field.

The conference delivers a robust and varied technical program with presentations on cutting-edge research, innovative approaches, and practical insights.  The conference offers participants the opportunity to be part of a vibrant community dedicated to developing creative, cost-effective assessments and solutions to meet regulatory demands, shape a sustainable future, and make a lasting impact in the environmental field.

The Association for Environmental Health and Sciences Foundation, Inc. (AEHS) is a non-profit, member-supported, professional organization, with the purpose of facilitating communication and fostering cooperation among professionals concerned with the challenge of soil, sediment, and water assessment, cleanup, and protection.

We hope to see you there!  For more conference details and registration information, click here



Posted by Laura Dorn at 11:36 am