offset inflation

September 26, 2022

maximize landfill air space
Based on case studies and best practices.

Free Webinar and QA Forum: Modern Landfill Design for Siting and Maximizing Air Space


The trend to go larger necessitates more landfill design sophistication and master planning to recoup the growing capital investment upfront. During this month’s SCS Engineers webinar and open forum, our panel will discuss landfill design, focusing on optimizing your site layout and maximizing air space – a landfill’s golden egg.


Live on Thursday, September 29, 2022

2:00 pm Eastern Time for 1 hour


This educational, non-commercial webinar with a Q&A forum throughout is free and open to all who want to learn more about landfill design. We recommend this month’s discussion for landfill owners/operators, solid waste planners, environmental engineers, municipalities, and environmental agency staff.

Certificates of Attendance are available for attendees who registered on Zoom and attended the live session.


Posted by Diane Samuels at 6:00 am

August 30, 2022

SCS Engineers Environmental Consulting and Contracting
Dr. Ali Khatami and Robert Gardner discuss how modern landfill design can reduce construction and OM&M costs while maximizing your landfill’s future footprint for multiple uses over decades.


Free Webinar and QA Forum: Modern Landfill Design to Maximize Capital Investment Returns


Today’s modern landfills offset inflation and labor costs through transformative reduction, recycling, and reuse programs while turning methane into renewable energy. Advanced remote monitoring and control technology and data capture provide many efficiencies and insight to landfill operators and owners running larger and larger collections of plants and facilities on their landfills.

The trend to go larger necessitates more landfill design sophistication and master planning to recoup the growing capital investment upfront. During this month’s SCS Engineers webinar and open forum, our panel will discuss landfill design, focusing on optimizing your site layout and maximizing air space – a landfill’s golden egg.


Live on Thursday, September 29, 2022

2:00 pm Eastern Time for 1 hour


This educational, non-commercial webinar with a Q&A forum throughout is free and open to all who want to learn more about landfill design. We recommend this month’s discussion for landfill owners/operators, solid waste planners, environmental engineers, municipalities, and environmental agency staff.

Certificates of Attendance are available for attendees who registered on Zoom and attended the live session.


Posted by Diane Samuels at 9:08 am