United Way’s Seasons of Caring Community Kickoff in Madison, WI

August 25, 2017

The local SCS Engineers staff participated in United Way’s Seasons of Caring Community Kickoff. It was a “power hour” of volunteering at the Mallards Duck Pond. The event brought together more than 750 people from across the Madison community to help community members in need. Our staff

United Way’s Seasons of Caring Community Kickoff
SCS Engineers staff members Brian Meister, Phil Gearing, and Ashley Viney working toward a record!

SCSers labeled and stuffed emergency medical information packets that are delivered to the elderly and homebound to help them get quick access to medical support when they are in need. Brian Meister’s team held the night’s record stuffing 2,000 informational packets in one hour with SCSers Chris Jimieson and Sherren Clark pacing them.







Posted by Diane Samuels at 2:49 pm